Chapter 37 Black Fox (3 more)
After a brief silence.

Fengze took the lead, and he set out a set of tea sets calmly.

Then, he started washing cups, making tea, and distributing tea. During the whole process, the two of them never spoke to each other.

The entire process of making tea took about an hour.

Fengze's technique is skillful and smooth, just like a tea art master who is proficient in tea ceremony.

"Mr. Lin, please." Fengze smiled, stretched out his hand to signal, and said with a smile.

"Call me Lin Feng, Mr. Lin sounds awkward to me." Lin Feng's eyes stayed in the teacup for a long time, his face was a little puzzled, he simply stopped being pretentious, took a sip, and his face instantly became a little uncomfortable. Naturally.

"The imperial brand West Lake Longjing Mingqian special grade imperial eighteen?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and a ray of light flashed across.

This is a rare and rare tea, and most importantly, this kind of tea is rarely circulated in the market, and it is specially supplied by the military region!

How could it be in Fengze's hands?

"Brother Lin, you really know what to do." Feng Ze laughed heartily.

"Mr. Feng, what is your identity?" Lin Feng felt that he had overlooked something, and fell into deep thought.

"I'm just an ordinary businessman. I'm lucky enough to have the help of many friends to live my life today. Speaking of which, it's not easy." Feng Ze smiled sighingly and began to drink tea.

"If this is your sincerity in inviting me here, I will not accompany you!" Lin Feng stood up abruptly.

He didn't want to make any suspicions for no reason, since he wanted to make friends, he had to make friends, and he was always on guard against the other party when chatting, he was very disgusted.

"Brother Lin, please be calm and don't be impatient." Seeing this, Feng Ze knew that he was overextending himself, so he hurriedly stood up with a smile.

"Fengze, I give you a warning. I will not interfere with your legitimate business, but if you are involved in pornography, gambling, or drugs, I will not spare you!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he waved his hands and left.

Although the origin of the famous tea just now made him puzzled, Fengze had obvious grudges against him, so why should he stay here to find trouble?

"Lin Feng, have you ever heard the name 'Black Fox'?" Feng Ze didn't stop Lin Feng, but asked earnestly.

"black Fox?"

Lin Feng had already reached the door, and when he heard the word "black fox", he froze in place.

Heihu, he once talked about in the mouth of the old general Longya, is one of his three students!

If the "black fox" mentioned by Fengze is the "black fox" mentioned by the old general, then it is undoubtedly the same person.

Suddenly, a strange idea appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

He looked back slowly, with serious eyes, looking at Fengze with a calm face.

"You are the black fox?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

This was the first time after he came back from the dead, he gave a speechless wry smile in a daze.

He once heard the old general talk about how after returning home from the black fox, he started from the bottom of the business world, and within three years, he became a bigwig in the business world.

It doesn't matter!
The important thing is that the true identity of the black fox is a pawn in a game of dark chess laid by the old general more than ten years ago!
Although, he never heard the old general mention the real intention of this game of dark chess, but now he understands something.

Heihu, on the surface, he is a bigwig in the business world, but secretly, he is an undercover agent who collects all kinds of information and assists certain departments!
That's right, using the word "undercover" to describe Fengze couldn't be better, especially his current identity, being rumored to be the overlord of the underground circle, it is easy to conceal his identity.

In this way, the origin of the imperial brand West Lake Longjing Mingqian premium Yushiba makes sense.

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. I'm not a black fox. He's my childhood friend. I took his place after he died on duty five years ago." If he didn't release any more inside information, Lin Feng would definitely walk away.

"Didn't you... You said that the black fox was sacrificed?"

Lin Feng was shocked, looked at Fengze, and murmured: "No wonder, you don't have the aura of a soldier on you, I was negligent."

"That's right, I'm not a veteran, but I have a heart that knows what I like and what I hate, and never forgets my roots!"

"When I was young and frivolous, I spent several years in prison, otherwise I would have joined the army to serve the country."

"Back then, the black fox was suffering from a serious illness. It was the benevolent old general Longya who took him in and brought him into the army." Fengze didn't deliberately hide anything, as could be seen from the moisture in his eyes.

"Now, although I am not a soldier, I am dedicated to serving the country. Ever since I stepped into the business circle, I, Fengze, have never done anything to offend the country. So, now I am a black fox." Fengze said frankly and boldly. Feelings are already full of tears.

Since he entered this circle, he couldn't help himself. In order to replace his friend Heihu's identity to obtain more information, he was misrepresented by the world and became the so-called overlord of the underground circle.

For this matter, he had corrected everyone more than once, but his description became more and more black, and he became a person who was both black and white.

"Don't worry, I'm doing legitimate business. You can use your resources to investigate me. If what I said is true, you can send me directly to the police station." Fengze said frankly.

"Then, who is the true underground overlord of Tianhai City?" Lin Feng straightened out his thoughts and asked doubtfully.

"Xue Siniang!" Feng Ze's eyes burst into a gleam, clearly a look of hatred.

"Xue Siniang?" After Lin Feng heard this, a murderous intent filled his body.

Three years ago, the scene where his parents were brutally murdered resurfaced before his eyes again.

"This vicious femme fatale can't stay!" Lin Feng said to himself, sat down again, and continued to drink tea.

Fengze nodded thoughtfully, poured tea again, and the two of them were silent again for a while.

"Mr. Feng, I solemnly apologize to you for my previous rudeness." Lin Feng is a fastidious person, if he made a mistake, he was wrong, so he should apologize.

"Brother Lin Feng, you are serious." Feng Ze once again laughed heartily.

"I want to ask you, how did you find out about my identity?" Lin Feng expressed his gentle eyes, and directly expressed the confusion in his heart.

"Six years ago, your Longzitou team went out to perform a mission. When I met the old general Longya, I was fortunate enough to see your silhouette." Fengze explained calmly.

"Just seeing my silhouette, can you confirm it's me?"

Lin Feng immediately asked back: "If you make a mistake in your judgment, you may die tonight!"

"That's right, if I couldn't confirm your identity, I definitely wouldn't blatantly confess my identity to you." Fengze immediately explained.

"How did you determine it?" Lin Feng was particularly curious about this.

This is related to his personal identity. It is very dangerous for someone to expose his past inadvertently.

"At noon today, Xue Siniang's subordinate Dao Hun came to me specifically to find news. He especially wanted to know who was the mastermind behind the successive destruction of the Shen and Wei families in Tianhai City."

"It wasn't until tonight that I confirmed your identity." Fengze truthfully told the news he knew.

When Lin Feng nodded, there was already palpitating blood in his eyes.

Before he had time to seek revenge from Xue Siniang, the other party came to his door on his own initiative. Naturally, he would not neglect, he had to prepare a big gift!
[Third watch, new week, begging for recommendation, hope to send this book to the list, thank you]

(End of this chapter)

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