The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 54 Slowly Settle Your Account [3 More]

Chapter 54 Slowly Settle Your Account [3 More]

Operating room on the fifth floor.

This was originally a quiet place to keep silent and not to make loud noises.

But at this time, the corridor was full of people, including doctors, intensive care doctors and nurses, and even more family members of patients.

Heart-piercing cries made the whole front of the operating room on the fifth floor noisy.

"I'm going to take you to court!"

"This kind of immoral doctor is not worthy of being a human being!"

"Murder for life, blood for blood!"

As Lin Feng walked along, all kinds of discussions, noises, and abuse could be heard endlessly.

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, he couldn't help frowning.

In front of the door of the operating room, a doctor wearing a green coat specially for surgery was sitting slumped on the ground, with blood dripping from his forehead, and half of his face was already stained red with blood.

"Xiao Yao!"

Lin Feng walked over quickly, seeing Xiao Yao's bleeding head, he was already burning with anger.

"Feng, Brother Feng..." Xiao Yao, who was slumped on the ground, hadn't recovered from the noise just now, heard someone calling his name by accident, raised his head and saw Lin Feng.


"who are you?"

"This unscrupulous doctor accidentally killed someone, no one should approach him!"

Four or five men with big arms and round waists, with fierce eyes, stopped Lin Feng with their arms crossed.

"Step aside!"

A cold light exploded in Lin Feng's eyes.

This voice was extremely cold, as if it could bring people into an ice cellar, and it made everyone stop all the hustle and bustle in an instant.

Then, everyone just watched helplessly, and Lin Feng walked to Xiao Yao's side.

"Xiao Yao, what's going on?" Lin Feng didn't exchange too many greetings, and while stretching out his hand to apply to Xiao Yao's injured forehead, he asked carefully.

If it had been according to his previous personality, he would have stepped forward to put everyone down instantly, and then left with Xiao Yao.

However, this is a hospital after all, and it is a place that protects the health of the common people. He didn't mess around, at least he figured out the whole story before making a decision.

"Brother Feng, the patient broke his legs in a car accident. I was undergoing surgery, but the patient suddenly stopped breathing..." Xiao Yao was very confused. He has been practicing medicine for more than six years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a thing .

Xiao Yao didn't talk much. Although it was only a few words, Lin Feng already had a general idea. The responsibility was not on Xiao Yao, but on the patient himself. There must be other hidden dangers.

"Friend, you'd better be sensible and leave quickly."

Suddenly, a burly man with a knife scar on his left face walked up behind Lin Feng.

"I'm leaving, you can make medical troubles according to your temper, and get some ill-gotten gains from it, right?" Lin Feng said lightly, and after taking his hand away from Xiao Yao's forehead, he stood up slowly. stand up.

The two were very close in height, and Lin Feng was a little thinner in terms of body type, so they just stared at each other.

"Hehehe, what do you mean?" the scarred man lit a cigarette with a half-smile, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"You know exactly what I mean." Lin Feng's eyes were full of murderous intent.

It's useless to reason with these people.

He also seems to be sure of one thing, this group of people are not like family members, but they seem to take advantage of the death of the patient to come to the doctor to make a fuss, hoping to make an ill-gotten gain.

"My uncle suddenly lost his breath during the treatment. Is it wrong for us to ask for an explanation as a family member?" The man with the scar was originally trembling from Lin Feng's stare, but there are so many people around him now, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Does not breathing mean death?" Lin Feng immediately retorted.

He was a soldier, and his years of field combat experience made him deeply aware that unless the body is separated, the heart is shot or a knife is inserted, otherwise, even if the bullet hits the head, it is possible to survive.

Not to mention, a person who suddenly lost his breath means that Yin and Yang have been separated!
Moreover, even if the patient is really dead, if he wants to save him, he can pull him back from Lord Yama as long as he expends energy!
"From what you mean, it seems that you are also a doctor?" the man with the scar asked coldly.

Lin Feng didn't respond, he turned around and helped Xiao Yao up, and walked towards the operating room.


At this time, another person came out yelling loudly.

This time it wasn't the scarred man and his group, but an old doctor from the hospital.

"Doctor Xiao, who is he?" The old doctor came to the door of the operating room three steps at a time, and stopped Lin Feng and Xiao Yao.

"President Li, he is my brother." Xiao Yao said bitterly.

"Your brother? A doctor?" Dean Li repeated with a puzzled face.

"No." Xiao Yao shook his head.

"Playing the piano randomly!" Dean Li was furious.

He scolded Xiao Yao, then glared at Lin Feng angrily, "This is the operating room of our hospital, and no one is allowed in or out unless it is a staff member!"

Dean Li's words, although he was scolding Xiao Yao and Lin Feng, he was also indirectly scolding the scarred man and his party.

"Dean Li, I might be able to save the people inside." Lin Feng said with sincerity after Dean Li lost his temper.

"Wait, wait! You said you might have a way to revive the people inside?"

"This is simply a fantasy! Do you think you are still alive with Hua Tuo?!" Dean Li scolded one after another.

"Could it be that you want to pay them a large amount of compensation according to the demands of the family members, and then settle down?" Lin Feng looked at Dean Li without squinting, and then slowly glanced at the scarred man and the others.

"Doctor Xiao, I can understand your feelings, but this is the end of the matter, people cannot be brought back to life after death, we doctors must understand this truth, let your friend leave quickly, don't make more trouble." Dean Li did not respond to Lin Feng, Ze patted Xiao Yao's shoulder earnestly.

"I can go, but my brother also wants to go with me." Lin Feng was very resolute, and there was a layer of coercion on his body.

Immediately, Dean Li couldn't stand still, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"Doctor Xiao can't leave yet. At least this matter has not been resolved. You can't leave." Dean Li calmed down for a long time before standing still. He must not give up the reputation of the hospital.

"That's right! My uncle has passed away, no one is allowed to violate his dignity!" The man with the scar came over aggressively at this time, making a gesture to take down Lin Feng.


Lin Feng said coldly, and directly pushed the scarred man back with his gaze.

"Remember, whoever hit my brother just now will lose his arms later!" Lin Feng stood fearlessly on the spot without moving a muscle, his gaze was on everyone present.

"Boy, I admire your courage, but let me tell you, when we beat your brother, we are warning him and helping him. As a doctor who treats diseases and injuries, if you are not good at learning skills, don't be a doctor. It's more than shameful. It can even kill people!" The scarred man snorted endlessly.

"Later, I will settle the accounts for you slowly."

Lin Feng's eyes were abnormally cold. These people beat his brother, and now they are still laughing at his brother?

Just as his words fell to the ground, he suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone, including Xiao Yao, suddenly froze as if they had seen a ghost.

People, where did people go?

Unanimously, their gazes turned to the still shaking door of the operating room.

They seemed to understand something. Dean Li and the scarred man rushed towards the operating room almost at the same time.

Xiao Yao, who was standing there, now had an unusually bitter expression on his face.

Lin Feng was his good brother, and he had been thinking of him everywhere since he came here, for which he was extremely grateful.

However, because of him, Lin Feng ran into the operating room irrationally at this time, he must be held legally responsible!
Could it be said that the patient has been dead for more than ten minutes, even if a miracle doctor came to this world, he would not be able to return to heaven.

[Third watch, please support with a five-star rating, thank you Qingfeng]

(End of this chapter)

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