Chapter 85

Luo Qingshan and Luo Wanjun were both startled, staring at Lin Feng who came suddenly.

Luo Qingshan was a little confused.

He is the helm of the Luo family in the imperial capital. Although the family is not big, but his status is here, he is called "father-in-law". Are you sure you are calling him?
Luo Wanjun couldn't hold back, and laughed "puchi".

Then, worry condensed in her eyes, she urged Lin Feng thousands of times not to let Lin Feng come, but finally came.

"How did he get in?" Luo Qingshan came to his senses, and immediately turned his head and drank coldly.

The two people who had been guarding outside Luo's house all the time were big-bodied masters. After being scolded by Luo Qingshan, they all looked at Lin Feng.

who is this?How did you get in?
They are also confused!
"Wan Jun, do you miss me?"

When Luo Qingshan and the others were puzzled, Lin Feng sat directly beside Luo Wanjun, looking very intimate.

"Brother Feng, you..." Luo Wanjun was completely convinced, Lin Feng was deliberately challenging her father, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a while.

"Lin are Lin Feng!" Luo Qingshan finally came to his senses, seeing Lin Feng's close contact with her daughter, his heart became angry, "Stay away from my daughter!"

"Father-in-law, I agree with Jun Jun. Besides, she is already my woman. If you let me stay away from her, do you want me to be a ruthless scumbag? No, I will not stay away from her for the rest of my life." Not at all." Lin Feng looked indifferent, and embraced Luo Wanjun who was in a nervous mood.

"You... You said that Wanjun is already your woman?" Luo Qingshan was stunned, with strong anger in his eyes, and looked at Luo Wanjun.

"Dad, it's true." Luo Wanjun bit the bullet and nodded heavily.

Since Lin Feng said so, she naturally wanted to cooperate perfectly.


Luo Qingshan slapped the table fiercely, and the corners of his eyes showed strong hostility without any concealment.

"Father-in-law, please don't make loud noises in front of Wanjun, and scare the baby in your belly. You are very incompetent as a grandfather." Lin Feng stroked Luo Wanjun's belly, and looked at Luo Qingshan very seriously. .

"I have a child..." Luo Qingshan was dumbfounded again.

"Yes, I have his child." Luo Wanjun bit her red lips lightly with silver teeth, this scene must be played to the end.

"Mr. Wan, you..." Luo Qingshan was about to lose his temper when he suddenly realized the child in his daughter's belly, so he lowered his voice and said slowly: "Mr. Wan, the child cannot be kept."

"Dad, this is my flesh and blood. How can you bear it as a grandfather..." Luo Wanjun looked aggrieved, holding her stomach with both hands, and whispered: "Baby, don't be afraid, your grandfather is a good person .”

" two..."

Luo Qingshan sighed heavily.

"Father-in-law, the matter has come to an end, I will choose a good day and auspicious day, and Jiang Wanjun will marry back home in a prosperous manner." Lin Feng assured quite seriously.

"Lin Feng, your brat's courage is not ordinary fat, you are not allowed to call me father-in-law!" Luo Qingshan wanted to get angry, but because of the baby in his daughter's stomach, he could only endure it.

"Uncle Luo, you haven't had dinner yet, have you? Let's have a drink." Lin Feng got up and was about to walk towards the kitchen.

"Wait." Luo Qingshan sighed again.

"Uncle Luo, don't hesitate, but it's okay to say." Lin Feng paused.

"Since the matter has come to an end, you can go away and stay away from my family, Jun Jun. Maybe you can save your life. As for the child, it has nothing to do with you that my Luo family will raise it in the future." Luo Qingshan stared at Lin Feng coldly. , immediately made a decision.

"Let the child have no father in the future?" Lin Feng's voice gradually became colder.

"Father? You are not worthy at all!"

"You know, you can't protect yourself, do you still want to implicate my family Wanjun?" Luo Qingshan waved his hands at Lin Feng with a tone of hatred for iron and steel: "Let's go, the farther you go, the better."

"Dad, if you drive him away, I'll go too!" Luo Wanjun suddenly stood up and grabbed Lin Feng's arm.

"Wanjun, I'm doing this for your own good. I've already decided to let him go, what else do you want?" Luo Qingshan comforted him earnestly, hoping that his daughter would understand his intentions.

"Let me go? No, you don't need to let me go, just hand me over to the Jiang family, so that the Luo family can tide over the difficulties." Lin Feng sat down solemnly, and looked at Luo Qingshan calmly.

Previously, when he was approaching Luo's house, he had already heard some conversations between Luo Qingshan and Mr. Luo Wan's father and daughter.

The ultimate reason is that he seriously injured Jiang Ziming before, and this series of grievances and hatreds came about.

"Lin Feng, you absolutely shouldn't, you shouldn't have severely injured Jiang Ziming, you really shouldn't." Luo Qingshan seemed to be explaining, but also seemed to be repeating his decision.

"The Jiang family is nothing to be afraid of. Father-in-law, with me around, will handle this matter well. You don't need to worry too much." Lin Feng said calmly.

"Lin Feng, do you know the disparity between you and the Jiang family? Yes! You are too crazy!" Luo Qingshan shook his head one after another.

He had heard of Lin Feng's madness, but seeing him today, he was indeed extremely arrogant!

"In short, believe it or not, I will stay by Wanjun's side and will not leave her, at least until Wanjun reaches a contract of tens of billions." Lin Feng didn't want to explain too much.

Too many people are very concerned about the result, no one is willing to accept this long process step by step, the same is true for Luo Qingshan in front of him.

All in all, he will stay with Luo Wanjun until the Jiang family is resolved.

"A contract of tens of billions? Okay! Then I'll give you time, there are still nineteen days left! As long as you don't steal or grab it, and the company's normal performance reaches tens of billions, I will fight to the death with the Jiang family!" Luo Aoyama finally took a step back due to his daughter's knot in his heart.

Luo Wanjun laughed first after hearing this, and she knew that her father was not that kind of heartless person.

"Nineteen days?" Lin Feng repeated.

"Yes, up to nineteen days, even one more day!" Luo Qingshan repeated again.

"No, I mean, nineteen days is too long." Lin Feng shook his head.

"Brother Feng, how can nineteen days be so long?" Luo Wanjun tugged Lin Feng nervously upon hearing this.

"Within seven days, we will reach an agreement of tens of billions, and then I will accompany Wanjun back to the imperial capital." Lin Feng looked at Luo Qingshan squarely, and patted his chest for assurance.

"Boy Lin Feng, your madness has reached the limit of the sky!" Luo Qingshan absolutely couldn't calm down anymore.

"Dad! Don't worry, Brother Feng naturally has his own plan, we have to trust him." Luo Wanjun persuaded in time.

"That's fine, seven days is seven days! I will satisfy your arrogance, and if you achieve it within seven days, I agree to marry Wanjun to you!" Luo Qingshan said so, but he had already foreseen the result.

Within seven days, relying on the current strength of Ankang Pharmaceutical, it is difficult to earn 40 billion!

He wanted to see this joke, he wanted to see Lin Feng lose with his own eyes!

"It's a deal!" Lin Feng said calmly.

"Well, it's a deal." Luo Qingshan said in a deep voice.

"It's not too late, then please Uncle Luo accompany us back to the company." Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun stood up together.

"What are you going to do in the company?" Luo Qingshan was puzzled when he heard the words, now it's dinner time, what's the surprise in going to the company suddenly?
As everyone knows, before Lin Feng arrived at Luo's house, he had already contacted all relevant personnel, and when he returned to the company, he would develop Juyuan Pill in one fell swoop.

He is full of confidence. With the advent of Juyuan Pill, orders will fly in minutes, earning 40 billion in seven days, which is really nothing.

Therefore, it is necessary for Luo Qingshan to witness this matter with his own eyes, so that he can truly understand that Lin Feng never speaks in vain!

[Three shifts will start tomorrow, please recommend tickets for support]

(End of this chapter)

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