The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 99 You Have Suffered These Years

Chapter 99 You Have Suffered These Years

"I just want to see Grandpa, that's all." Lin Feng's voice was much heavier.

"Why are you yelling?!" Du Hong pinched his waist with both hands, and chattered endlessly: "Your parents provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, and almost killed our Qin family. If you come back from death, why don't you go hide? Come here to harm my family?!"

"You are not allowed to talk about my parents. If there is anything wrong, come to me!" Lin Feng's expression became even more indifferent.

His aunt, Du Hong, acted fiercely and used such despicable means to ridicule him, even if it was a relationship, he would not ignore it.

"Hey! You're disrespectful, you dare to call me by my name. You're so dead!" Du Hong was spitting and spitting, and she was about to push Lin Feng. .

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders, he didn't bother to say anything, he turned slightly to avoid Du Hong.


Due to inertia, Du Hong's swooping posture made her lie on the ground directly.

And Lin Feng had already entered the Qin family compound.

"Stinky boy, you stop for my old lady!"

Du Hong was extremely embarrassed at this moment, got up and chased after Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was extremely fast, passed through the lobby, and ran straight to the backyard.

It was very quiet here, only the rustling sound of the ginkgo leaves being blown by the breeze. Lin Feng's footsteps were very light, but Du Hong, who followed closely, broke the tranquility with a grin.

"Lin Feng! Stop for me!"

Lin Feng paused, turned around and looked back, his cold eyes fixed on Du Hong who was running towards him.

It's endless!
"You..." Du Hong had never seen such a look before, and subconsciously stopped where she was.

"Don't make loud noises, otherwise, you, an aunt, are dispensable in my eyes!" Lin Feng said extremely indifferently.

"You, your wings are stiff, dare to talk to your aunt like that, okay! See if I don't break your legs!" Du Hong came back to his senses, and picked up a chicken blanket.


Suddenly, a majestic voice came.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Long, who was dressed in a Tang suit, walked over slowly.

"Dad..." Du Hong's face changed instantly, he hesitated and didn't know how to explain.

"Go out, my good grandson Feng'er is here, don't disturb us." Qin Long looked at Du Hong, and then his eyes fell on Lin Feng.

Du Hong couldn't hold back a word anymore, suppressed her anger and left the place.

"Grandpa!" Lin Feng looked at this black-haired, kind-eyed, but heavy-hearted old man. He wanted to kneel down, but Qin Long stopped him with one hand.

"Feng'er, come with me." Qin Long put his arms around Lin Feng's shoulders, his tone full of joy.

Lin Feng's heart was full of shock besides surprise.

His grandfather's voice just now, although not loud, was able to appear quietly behind him without him noticing, which is enough to show that his grandfather is also very human!

The two walked to the backyard, where there was a green lawn with a stone table and four stone benches.

"Feng'er, sit down quickly and let grandpa take a good look at you." Qin Long's voice was thick and amiable.

"Grandpa, you are full of blood and vitality, and you are more lively than 16 years ago." After sitting down, Lin Feng bluntly expressed his thoughts.


Qin Long laughed heartily and said: "Feng'er, in the past 16 years, grandpa has struggled with life and death, reborn from Nirvana, and there have been some changes in his body, which is understandable, but you, the stubborn little boy who loved to cry, has grown up now. He has become a man standing upright!"

"Grandpa." Lin Feng's nose was a little sore, 16 years passed.

16 years!

After a lapse of 16 years, Lin Feng saw his grandfather again, and he was full of excitement and cherished the kind of family affection that blood is thicker than water.

"Mmm! You have suffered all these years." Qin Long knew what happened to Lin Feng. Thinking of this, his aura suddenly became sharp, and even Lin Feng felt oppressed.

"Grandpa, what have you experienced all these years?" Lin Feng asked tentatively.

"These 16 years... will be kept secret for the time being." Qin Long hesitated for a while, lost his aura, and revealed a mysterious smile.

Then, he stood up and said, "Feng'er, do you want to make gestures with Grandpa?"

"Hand gesture?" Lin Feng was slightly surprised, but he was very urgent.

He could see and feel that his grandfather was no longer an ordinary old man, but a martial arts master with kung fu, so he was naturally very interested.

"Come on, use all your strength, don't hold back your hands." Qin Long bent his legs slightly, put on a defensive posture, and waved for Lin Feng to make a move.

"Grandpa, are you sure you want me to use all my strength?" Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

His grandfather didn't understand his strength at all. If he tried his best, if something happened...

"Feng'er, grandpa can roughly guess your strength, but don't worry, grandpa can withstand it." Qin Long said with a smile.

"Then...Xiao Feng will be offended." Lin Feng scratched his head and smiled. It was the first time that he took action against his elder, or his grandfather.

However, when he saw Qin Long sinking his dantian, standing on the ground with his feet as firm as a rock, with full confidence on his face, he suddenly realized that his grandfather's strength should still be higher than his.

In this way, Lin Feng instantly stirred up his fighting spirit, and it was still the most direct and swift punch, hitting his grandfather's shoulder.

After all, facing the elders he respected, Lin Feng didn't aim at Qin Long's vitals, so he avoided his vitals and hit Qin Long's shoulder.

"call out!"

Lin Feng's speed thought he had reached the limit, and he saw that a punch was about to land on Qin Long's shoulder.


Qin Long didn't move where he was, he just waved his left hand—slap!

With a slap, Lin Feng's fist was deflected.

Then, due to inertial speed, Lin Feng rushed to the rear of Qin Long.

At this moment, he was shocked like never before, and he froze in place.

With his punch just now, he hardly held back his hand!
However, it was resolved by his grandfather's light slap!
"Grandpa..." Lin Feng turned around slowly amidst the turbulent waves, and looked at Qin Long.

I have to admit that Qin Long's strength is the most powerful existence he has ever encountered, except for his master!

"Feng'er, it's your style to deal with the enemy without taking a single blow, isn't it?" Qin Long had a stern face, full of sullen anger.

"Grandpa, I..."

"Feng'er, I said before that you can rest assured and use your full strength. You have to treat me as an enemy in order to unleash your full blow instead of aiming at my shoulder."

"If you meet an opponent like me, will you be the same?" Qin Long said every word with a loud voice.

"Grandpa, I know I was wrong." Lin Feng beat his chest and paused, knowing that he had made a huge mistake just now.

"One more time, don't let grandpa down." Qin Long smiled lightly, showing a look of anticipation.

"Okay!" Lin Feng nodded heavily, and integrated the vertical and horizontal sword intent he had mastered in Guigu into his hands.

"Vertical and horizontal combination!"

(End of this chapter)

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