The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 109 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 36

Chapter 109 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 36
Call the envoy?

The old housekeeper felt a burst of sweat on his back, even the emperor dared not neglect the envoy of the male country, could His Highness be so casual?

Yin Ran'er inadvertently showed a bit of arrogance, and there was a look of contempt in the eyes of the world.

The old housekeeper seemed to understand what she meant, it was a great honor for us to entertain the envoys.

He suppressed the surprise in his heart, leaned forward, cupped his hands, retreated as if fleeing, and headed for the hall of envoys.


It is natural to welcome the envoys in a grand manner, but this time the grandeur seems a bit too much, it is a sensation all over the country!Nowadays, almost everyone in the whole country knows that an envoy from a neighboring country has come to the capital.

And the other party is still a male country!

"This is... Lord Li! You are really welcome!"

There is a banquet in the palace, and there are lights and festoons everywhere, a lot of colors, but red is still the main color.It looks luxurious and grand without losing its status as a distinguished guest.

This is the main palace. As soon as Yin Ran'er stepped in, she saw a minister nodding and bowing to a middle-aged man, and instantly felt like a dog leg...

She thought it was a little funny, because if only one minister did this, it could be said that he was flattering.But let me ask, what if it is a group?

That is someone deliberately instigated.

Obviously, it was to give the envoy enough face.And this person can't help but say that it must be the emperor.

At any rate, he is also the emperor of a country that respects women, so he can't lower his posture to please the country of men, right?

Yin Ran'er narrowed her eyes, there is a problem...

The group of ministers surrounded the envoys, she pretended not to see them, walked past them, and walked straight into the main palace.

She sat leisurely on the top chair, with her left leg on the armrest and her right hand resting her head, lacking in interest.

There were quite a few dignitaries who came here, seeing Yin Ran'er's faceless appearance, they couldn't help but feel contemptuous.

It is rumored outside that the prince doesn't care about government affairs, and spends all day looking for beauty, but seeing him now, the rumors are true...

Unexpectedly, the person sitting above said suddenly, "Go and invite the envoys in, lest outsiders say that we are the ones who forbid the envoys from entering the palace."

The people below were stunned when they heard it, but someone really went to invite the envoy.

After a while, the middle-aged man I saw outside the hall just now came in.He cupped his hands perfunctorily, and then finished the salute without even bending his waist.

"Hey envoy, you came from a long way, did you accidentally lose your waist on the way?"

The girl's arrogant sarcastic words fell into the ears of everyone present without saying a single word, and they were all stunned!

The envoy's face darkened in an instant, and he said coldly, "I don't know what your Highness the Crown Prince means?"

Yin Ran'er sneered, and suddenly her eyes turned cold!It seems like a sword, with a cold light shining in it...

"Did you lose your waist, so you can't give a formal salute to the hall? Or... despise the emperor?"

The faces of the ministers below obviously changed. Although the prince's words were too harsh, they hit the truth!

"I don't mean to offend you." The envoy was a little more serious. After all, only the friendly exchanges between the two countries can maximize the benefits.

He puts on a show, but there is still contempt in his gestures.

It was your queen who asked for peace on her own initiative, so she is already inferior!If you go back on your word, at worst, let the two countries go to war!Directly annexed this little feminist country!
(End of this chapter)

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