The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 112 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 39

Chapter 112 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 39
I saw that handsome man who seemed to have stepped out of a painting, standing in the center of the hall.He called softly, "His Royal Highness..."

Yin Ran'er gave a soft "hmm" without saying too much, "Let's get started."

Lu Qing opened his mouth, wanting to take this opportunity to talk to her a few more words, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

The servant stepped forward and handed him a pipa with great winking, and he took it obediently, sat on the chair in the center and began to play.

The beautiful piano sound echoed everywhere in the hall, sometimes melodious and sometimes sad.The emotional way of playing is like injecting a fresh soul into the music, sobbing like tears.

Everyone present was intoxicated by it, feeling the wonderful playing of the people on the stage.This kind of sad and resentful tone of the little concubine is exactly what the women of Feng country like most.

It has to be mentioned that Gu Qing is indeed very charming, so much so that Zhao Guo's envoys are also somewhat fascinated by it.

There is such a beauty in Feng Kingdom?Unfortunately, it's a man...

The envoy stared fixedly at the graceful figure of the person on the stage, and he kept playing the pipa in his hand, maybe because he was too hard, the tips of his slender, white fingers turned red...

The Zhao Guo envoy's throat moved up and down, and his eyes darkened a little.

After the song was over, the surrounding people remained silent.After a long time, the female courtiers applauded violently as if they suddenly came to their senses.

"Okay! His Royal Highness has received such a new beauty, I am really envious of others!"

"This man's appearance is alluring, and he can play a good song. He is worthy of being a beauty in the world!"

"I don't know if he will be lucky enough to become the princess..."

At this time, all kinds of female officials were flattering and praising Gu Qing, but they really wanted to please the crown prince.

Lu Qing felt the gazes projected from all directions, and looked him up and down, like looking at an object, wanton and bold.

He didn't like this feeling.

But looking up at the girl sitting above, he tried his best to raise a smile.Her lofty aura always made him feel humble and insignificant.

Lu Qing knew clearly in his heart that he was not good enough for her.

"About this man, you may have misunderstood." Yin Ran'er smiled casually, the corners of her mouth curled up, and her red lips parted slightly:

"He is not a male concubine of this hall, he is still clean in body and mind. If anyone here is interested, this hall can promise this man to you..."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Qing's face turned pale, and he looked at Yin Ran'er in disbelief!
His lips trembled slightly, showing an unhealthy gray color, "Your Highness..."

Yin Ran'er seemed to have never heard of it, and was unmoved in the slightest, waiting for others to answer.

Sure enough, as she expected, the envoy lowered his head and thought for a while, then got up from his seat when he raised his head again, and bowed to Yin Ran'er.

"Since His Highness the Crown Prince is so enlightened, why not marry him to Zhao Guo, so as to cultivate the good of the two countries together. What do you think?"

"Okay." Yin Ran'er agreed without the slightest hesitation.

The envoy was caught off guard for a moment... I thought it would take a lot of talking, but who knew that the prince of Feng Kingdom was so forthright!

System: […] Heh, of course it's refreshing, the host is eager to send the oil bottle away as soon as possible.

"Your Highness!" Gu Qing shouted in a moment of anxiety.

No, he doesn't want to be married to Zhao Guo far away, he would rather guard His Highness the Crown Prince for the rest of his life, even if he is nameless!
(End of this chapter)

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