The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 134 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 1

Chapter 134 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 1
"Little thing, after such a long time, have you found out which world he is in now?"

In a sea of ​​purple flowers, the girl lay quietly in the center, closed her eyes and meditated, occasionally asking a few words.

Looking at her quiet and beautiful delicate face, it always gives people the illusion that the years are quiet and beautiful.

System: [Host, I am trying my best to search. ] You have asked this question for the third time!

Yin Ran'er let out an oh, signaling to the stupid system that she heard it.

It has been ten days since the last teleportation, and she doesn't know how long the ten days in the system space have been in the outside world.

It may be just ten seconds, it may be ten years, or even a thousand years.

【found it! 】The system was so excited that the data fluctuated for a while.

Finally found where the little brother is, since the host started to help the little brother collect souls, it always feels that the host is getting more and more crazy.

Could it be... Energy or memory restored?

At this time, Yin Ran'er felt the uneasy guess in the stupid system's heart, and she smiled imperceptibly, noncommittal.

System: [Hey, this world...]

The stupid system muttered in a low voice, and suddenly began to hesitate.

Yin Ran'er slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were clear, and her red lips parted slightly: "What's wrong?"

System: [Ah, the host... the timeline of this world is already very late.If you go in now, it may be a little disadvantageous to you...]

She paused and didn't care, "It's okay, just send it."

Even if she has reached a dead end, she has to go in.Whether she can turn the world around in the end is up to her. The little brother's soul is not easy to find, so he can't miss it.

If you don't go in, you don't know how long it will take to find his next strand of soul.

[Good host, this system will work hard to escort you! 】

The stupid system was overwhelmed with emotion, saying that this time it would not let its host have any accidents, and that all the preparations were done well.

Golden sunlight streamed in from the tall windows.

In the ancient Romanesque cathedral, the sun shines on the wall of the clock tower, and the dazzling golden reflection dazzles people's eyes.

The Byzantine dome of the cathedral, the wave-like facade design, the glittering ancient mosaic and the purple Egyptian porphyry column at the entrance all make this place full of ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

The sculpture in the center is extremely beautiful. It is a beautiful woman, but her lower body is a fishtail.

In front of the sculpture, stands an elegant godfather, with a man and a woman on the left and right.

"His Royal Highness, are you willing to marry a beautiful princess, love and protect her all your life, and give her happiness?" the godfather guided.

"I am willing." The prince agreed immediately without thinking about it.Seeing the beautiful girl in front of him, he was simply fascinated by her.

"His Royal Highness, are you willing to marry a handsome prince and love and respect him for the rest of your life?"

Yin Ran'er's soul had just been transported over and merged into this body, but it didn't fully fit and felt a little uncomfortable.

She glanced at the prince opposite, and knew that this person was not him, without the slightest soul resonance, this person looked completely idiotic.

"I don't want to." The girl's clear voice was extremely clear in the church, and the atmosphere was eerily quiet.

Idiot Prince: "..."

What?Did he hear wrong?

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble violently, and it became more and more violent!
Yin Ran'er raised her eyebrows, and simply lifted the white floor-length skirt, tore off the long back skirt to below her knees, revealing a part of her fair calf.

When the ground shook violently, she left everyone in the church and ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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