The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 137 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 4

Chapter 137 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 4
"Then Boshill, what is this place?"

Yin Ran'er squinted her eyes slightly, looking at the blue scene around her.

The little mermaid brother looked at her delicate cheeks, and felt that she was even more beautiful than the females of the mermaid clan, so he couldn't help being fascinated.

"Gulu..." This is the palace of the mermaid clan.

He told her without much warning, and kept staring at her.

Mermaid Palace?

The school of fish in the distance is looming, indicating that she is indeed at the bottom of the sea.

Yin Ran'er looked down, only to realize that she was covered in air bubbles.So it makes sense to be able to breathe underwater.

She let out a long breath, feeling helpless, "Bohill, do I want to walk around?"

He was stunned for a moment, the expression on his handsome face stagnated for a moment, and he nodded slowly to indicate yes.

With a seemingly casual wave, the air bubbles covering Yin Ran'er floated out of the soft shell and floated in the sea without landing.

Bubbles have always been fragile, and it is estimated that they will be scratched when they touch the reefs on the bottom of the sea.

Bossir tilted his head and thought for a while, then put his hand on the bubble, and the blue mana flowed out from his palm, strengthening a layer of bubbles.

A white and slender hand suddenly covered him, he was outside and she was inside.The palms of the two seemed to overlap completely at this moment, separated only by a thin transparent air bubble.

Bossier's hand moved involuntarily, the bubbles were soft, but he could feel her hand was more delicate...

"Let's go, take me around your palace." Yin Ran'er withdrew her hand and said very naturally.

The temperature of the touching palms suddenly disappeared, his eyes flickered, he put down his hands, and forcibly ignored the discomfort in his heart.

In this way, Bossier wandered around in the huge palace with Yin Ran'er who was contained in the air bubble.

It has to be said that this underwater city is very prosperous and beautiful.

There seemed to be a flash of light in the depths of the seabed, which was keenly captured by Bosier, and he seemed to suddenly remember something.

There are many rare treasures on the bottom of the sea, and many human beings want to hunt for treasures in huge ships.Maybe, she will like it too?
He turned around and glanced at Yin Ran'er, and pointed to the deeper part of the seabed, probably signaling that he would go down for a while and let her wait.

Yin Ran'er waved her hand casually to prove that she understood.

A burst of fine and dense air bubbles surged in front of her eyes, pounced on her big air bubbles, and dissipated after a while.

The person in front of him... the fish, has already swam to the depths.The beautiful blue fish tail draws several graceful arcs, swinging non-stop, glowing with a silvery white luster.

Yin Ran'er waited patiently for a while, but the little mermaid brother didn't come back for a long time, and she was about to fall asleep...

"Knock knock..."

Suddenly there was a slight knocking sound.

She opened her eyes, and it turned out to be a female mermaid, knocking her bubble.

This mermaid has long golden wavy hair, which makes her facial features more three-dimensional and adds a bit of charm.Covered by two shells on the chest, it looks choppy.

"Balabala..." the female mermaid opened her mouth and spoke to her.

You are actually human?How did you get to the bottom of the ocean?what are you going to do?What's with this bubble?The hateful human beings leave here quickly and go back to your country!

Yin Ran'er: "..."

The female mermaid saw that she stayed in the bubble without speaking, completely ignoring herself, and immediately became angry.Without further ado, he pushed the bubbles directly to the surface of the sea...

(End of this chapter)

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