The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 140 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 7

Chapter 140 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 7
A bloody thing happened.

The original owner gradually regained consciousness, and seeing the handsome man in front of him, he was fascinated for a moment.And the prince was also deeply attracted by the amazing beauty of the original owner.

The original owner, like all the little white flower heroines, asked innocently: "Did you save me?"

The prince wanted to get closer to her, so he admitted it cheekily.

Under the adoring gaze of the original owner, the prince confessed on the spot and threatened to marry her.

From the perspective of the mermaid in the sea, the original owner nodded shyly under the man's confession.The huge navy escorted the two back to the palace.

This mermaid is Boshir, the noble king of the mermaid clan.

He was deeply disgusted by the brazenness of human men, and on the day of their wedding, he created a tidal wave that directly flooded the church.

The prince died in the shipwreck, but the original owner was brought back to the underwater city.

Although Bohill was dissatisfied with her ignorance, fortunately he didn't kill her.I plan to bring her back first and tell her the truth.

But the language of the mermaid clan, as a human being, the original owner couldn't understand it at all!
She was terrified, unwilling to stay at the bottom of the sea, and began to sneak away again and again, but was easily captured by Bosier.

He failed to escape, and the original owner hurled insults at him.After repeated attempts, he finally wore out his patience and decided to lock her up, never to see her again.

The original owner made himself imprisoned for life, and finally died in depression.
After receiving the plot, Yin Ran'er was silent for a long time, really not knowing what to say.

Don't you deserve it?

The original owner dared to do this to him.

Yin Ran'er looked at the void outside the window, her eyes became a little dark...

The stupid system didn't feel that the atmosphere was wrong at all. Seeing that she was silent for a long time, he reminded her desperately:
【Host, the wish of the original owner is to maintain the peace of the kingdom and stay away from that terrifying mermaid...】

The system became more and more emboldened, and the voice gradually disappeared...

It seems unrealistic to let the host stay away from the little brother.

"Oh? Stay away..." Yin Ran'er's voice was a little low, which sounded quite dangerous.

Seeing that the situation was not very good, the system added a sentence in a timely manner to teach its host to take advantage of loopholes.

[Host, you can collect the little brother's resentful soul first, and stay away after you succeed. 】

#On the road broken by the host, never to return#
#Today is also a day that was brought down by the host#
Yin Ran'er suddenly became interested, restrained the dangerous aura around her, and responded with a "hmm".

Binding her to this system seems quite interesting.There are few things, timid and easy to handle.

The timid and easy-to-handle stupid system didn't hear Yin Ran'er's inner thoughts at all at this time, otherwise he would be so angry...

She walked to the window and looked at the endless blue sea outside the window, with a bland expressionless expression.

"Knock knock..."

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Your Highness, you have locked yourself in your room for two days, go down and have something to eat. Your Majesty the King is very worried about you." The servant outside the door asked respectfully.

Not long after, the door opened with a "click", and a slim figure of a young girl came out.

Instead of the lovely tutu skirt style before, it was replaced by a fiery red dress, outlining the girl's perfect figure.

Coupled with her exquisite appearance and lazy expression, the whole temperament seems to have completely transformed, bewitching and arrogant.

"Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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