The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 145 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 12

Chapter 145 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 12
Almost instantly, he got rid of the pain in his body, his sanity gradually returned, and his eyes became clear.

Standing up and swimming out from the big soft shell, the originally cold blue fish tail was strangely warm at this moment.On closer inspection, it also seemed to have become more shiny.

Bossier tried suspiciously, swung the fish tail a few times, and obviously felt a wave of warm energy flowing through his fish tail and fused quickly.

Seems to have enhanced his mana...

He subconsciously looked at Yin Ran'er, who was only a few steps away from him, but saw her lowered eyebrows, unable to see the expression in her eyes clearly.

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of her mouth, which was very obvious.So much so that Bossier failed to notice that there was an imperceptible layer of sweat oozing from her forehead.

as well as…

Her lips were less bloody.

"Gulu?" What did you just do?
A clear and pleasant mermaid voice sounded, but no matter how nice it sounded, it couldn't change the fact that he was grunting.

Yin Ran'er forcibly ignored this strange feeling, and looked at him solemnly: "I don't know, I don't know, it's not me."

Mermaids are born with the ability to distinguish the truth from falsehoods, and Bossier can tell at a glance.

She's really not good at lying...

He paused, put aside this topic, and suddenly changed the topic:
"Gulu Gulu..." Before you were in shipwreck, I saved you, not the human prince.

The voice of the mermaid is always very artistic, creating a strong sense of picture, as if making people re-enter the scene at that time, making people intoxicated.

Yin Ran'er was not affected at all, and even showed some satisfaction...

It's finally mentioned that matter, and it's not a loss that she came to hang around in front of him twice.

On the surface, she didn't change her expression, she asked slowly, "You said, you saved me?"

The girl's voice, people can feel it as soon as they hear it, the half-belief in her words.

"Gulu..." It was me, not him really.

Bossir frowned slightly, as if wondering why she didn't believe it.Or, why is she not affected by mermaids...

Yin Ran'er naturally sensed the little Jiujiu in his heart, but she didn't reveal it.

Ah, there are some things that need to be explored by the little brother to be interesting.

"It's really you?! Then... Then didn't I recognize the wrong person before..."

Yin Ran'er looked unbelievable, and her speech was a little incoherent, making people feel like a simple girl who didn't know the world.

She murmured, and said to herself: "Then how could he lie to me? That prince said he saved me, and even proposed to me... I agreed to him on impulse..."

Bossier's expression darkened, maybe even he didn't notice it.

At this moment, the surrounding sea water seems to have stopped flowing, and the pressure is getting heavier. If it is an ordinary person, it will be out of breath.

A gloomy look flashed across his handsome face, and it was fleeting, but it was completely captured by Yin Ran'er.

Yin Ran'er lowered her eyelashes, perfectly covering up the darkness and madness in her eyes.

Her instinct told her that he must be somehow connected to her past...

That blank past of ignorance.

He, will be her key to unlock the shackles of memory...

"Bohill, do you believe that souls can be reincarnated?" The girl said abruptly, turning her head to look at the handsome and tall mermaid.

Bossier was puzzled.

In fact, I don't know if he believes it or not, at least Yin Ran'er knows, but he doesn't remember.

Whether it's An Yijing, Li Ming, or Bai Yuqing.He forgot.

(End of this chapter)

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