The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 151 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 18

Chapter 151 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 18
Yin Ran'er expected it well.

Five days later, all the troops of the Nalan Empire attacked here.

The Nalan Navy was extremely powerful, lined up in a circle on the sea, surrounded it tightly but did not immediately start a war. It just monitored this small kingdom very strictly, not even a single bird could fly out.

As far as the eye can see, there are densely packed navies on the endless sea, and the atmosphere is solemn and quiet.

All it takes is one trigger, and a big war is about to break out.

For hundreds of years, the people in the kingdom have been used to living a peaceful and stable life, how can they stand up to such a scene of war?People everywhere panicked and asked the king for an explanation.

However, the king is well aware of the strength level of his small kingdom.Knowing that no matter in terms of army or equipment, everything is inferior to the Nalan Empire!
This is simply hitting a stone with an egg, and it can't be beaten at all!
They sent someone to ask Yin Ran'er to come and talk about peace, but she stayed in the room all day and didn't open the door.

The king is very busy here, this war is not going to be fought, and it is not going to be fought.

After the failure of the third peace negotiation he sent people to, the Nalan Empire gave no chance and forcibly invaded the small kingdom!Blood flowed like a river all the way, approaching the royal city!
"Daughter, hurry up and make peace with the prince! Now you are the only hope. As a princess, you don't want to watch our kingdom collapse!"

At this time, the old king was standing at the door of Yin Ran'er's room, crying towards the closed door in front of him, "Just be... just be my father, please?"

Even the air seemed to be quiet. After a long time, there was a voice from inside the door: "Okay."

The door opened in response, and the girl came out straight away and stopped in front of the old king.

"Father, please allow me to go alone to negotiate peace with Prince Nalan."

As soon as the words fell, the king was overjoyed.

His precious daughter has finally come to her senses. After all, she knows how to take care of the overall situation.

But then, I couldn't help feeling a little worried: "No, it's not good for you to go alone, you should discuss it carefully."

Or concentrate all the military power of the kingdom, and if she fails to make peace, he will order the kingdom's army to fight the Nalan Empire to the end, and the net will be broken!

The king weighed secretly in his heart, wondering if the method would work.

"No need." Yin Ran'er spoke out first, overturning the old king's calculations without hesitation.

"Prince Nalan is angry because of me, so I can only go alone. There are more people, but it is easier to anger him."

When the old king heard this, he was immediately moved.He patted her on the shoulder with relief, and agreed to the proposal.

In a blink of an eye, he went downstairs happily again, and asked someone to prepare a celebration banquet for the princess.

It seems that she underestimated the old king's confidence in his daughter...

Yin Ran'er stared at the king's back as he left in peace, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

System: [Host...] How could she really ask to go alone because she was afraid of the prince's anger?
I'm afraid she's going to sabotage it secretly...

"Huh?" Yin Ran'er uttered a deep nasal voice with a slightly raised tone.

#Believe you a ghost, you black-hearted host is very bad#
Accurately receiving the complaint from the system, she casually touched her nose, and then directly blocked the stupid system.

system:? ? ?
Are you too lazy to talk this time?Host, you should go through the process anyway...

(End of this chapter)

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