The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 153 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 20

Chapter 153 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 20
"That's right." Yin Ran'er put away the dagger with a smile, waved her hand very "friendly", and turned to leave.

"I look forward to the next cooperation with the Nalan Empire. In addition, I advise you not to play any tricks."

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in the air!The dagger came through the air and stuck straight on the side of the wheelchair!

This woman is terrible.


Sure enough, early the next morning, the king hurriedly called Yin Ran'er downstairs to discuss matters, and wanted to ask how things were going.

"My dear daughter, have you reached an agreement yesterday...Why is the navy of the Nalan Empire still stationed here?"

The king looked anxious, like a good king who cared about the country and the people.

"It's a deal." Yin Ran'er touched her nose, not sure if this statement was correct.

"Then the Nalan Empire's navy..." The old king was dubious, and he didn't want to withdraw his troops after the deal was settled?
She thought about it, and made up a random reason to attribute this to: "Maybe they are conducting a drill?"

System: […] You go in and threaten people, and use the enemy's military power for your own use. How can the whole process be considered "talking"?

The stupid system complained silently, and its host was less and less playing cards according to the routine.

Yin Ran'er didn't care, anyway, she achieved her goal in the end, didn't she?
As soon as the deal was settled, the king's heart hanging in the air was finally relieved, and he put on his usual kind smile again.

"My dear daughter, you have made a great contribution this time. The father asked the people below to prepare a celebration banquet, and it will only be a few days away."

"Thank you, father." She said a few words politely, and took the opportunity to leave on the grounds that she was tired from the negotiation.

The queen standing aside naturally told her to go to rest quickly with a distressed expression, and also thoughtfully ordered her servants not to disturb her.

Where they couldn't see, Yin Ran'er smiled with satisfaction.The mother queen of the original owner really suits her wishes.

Out of everyone's sight, Yin Ran'er entered the room and simply turned out the window!

[Host, what are you going to do? 】Going to do something again?
The system said that it was very tiring. Couldn't the host be able to do tasks in peace like other young ladies?

"What mission are you talking about?" Yin Ran'er's voice sounded faintly.

The stupid system was caught off guard, and suddenly remembered the original owner's request to "stay away from that mermaid", and his back shuddered.

This is an impossible task, don't get delusional.It's still offline...

At the same time, in the undersea castle...

Bohill was sitting in the luxurious shell in the center, pursing his lips, his face was gloomy, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"What day is today?"

A female mermaid with big golden waves lowered her head, not daring to lift it up, and replied cautiously: "My lord, today is the tenth day."

Ever since the king brought the human princess back last time, the king's mood has always been cloudy, very scary.

The coercion around him seemed to be a little heavier, Bosir's face became more gloomy, and the tone of the order was even colder: "Go down."

The female mermaid retreated as if she was about to be amnesty.Now she dared not have any unreasonable thoughts about the king.

There seemed to be some movement on the beach, and Bossier looked in a certain direction, as if there was always an energy in his heart urging him.

go, you go...

The blue fish tail seemed to be glowing, he paused, and finally swam towards the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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