The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 179 Mermaid Knight, Resolute

Chapter 179 Mermaid Knight, Resolute (End)
Not surprisingly, the military ship soon sank to the bottom of the sea.

Everything disappeared as if nothing had happened.

Buried under the beautiful deep blue sea.

However, it's not over yet.

Solved one ship, there are a thousand more, ten thousand more.Thousands of soldiers rushed over in military boats, and the scene was overwhelming.

Bosir stuck out of the water, and the staff of the Mermaid King was already in his hand at some point.

The blue sapphire is accompanied by a beautiful dark blue fishtail, shining brightly, and it matches exceptionally well.

His thin lips touched up and down, speaking ancient and distant spells...

That is a language that others cannot understand, and it is a language that belongs to the ancient inheritance of the mermaid clan.

Qing Ling's distant voice floated on the sea, singing softly over and over again.

Here, Yin Ran'er summoned a black dreamcatcher, floating in mid-air, wantonly absorbing souls and devouring energy.

She stood on a warship, her eyes lightly.She watched everything happen with an indifferent expression like a bystander.

Yin Ran'er's eyes finally fell on the person not far away.

The dark blue tail changes to blue, light blue at a speed visible to the naked eye...

It indicates that his mana is about to run out.

Heh, I still love to be brave...

Yin Ran'er smiled silently, but just looked at it dotingly, and didn't stop him.She doesn't stop what he decides to do.

I don't know how long it has passed, the energy absorbed by the black dreamcatcher gradually slowed down, and the singing of the mermaid floating in the sea gradually disappeared...

Tens of thousands of warships became dilapidated and sank uncontrollably to the bottom of the sea one by one.

At the moment when his mana was exhausted, Bosier fell straight from midair, and he was about to fall into the sea...

Yin Ran'er had sharp eyes and quick hands, sitting on the black dreamcatcher, swooped down, and stretched out her arms to hug her.

"Really, you've put yourself in such a mess." Her red lips parted slightly, her tone was clearly reproachful, but she couldn't hide the helplessness and pampering in it.

Bossier barely opened his eyes, looked at the girl's delicate cheeks, and smiled contentedly.

He struggled to speak, "'s okay, anyway, you will follow me."

You are very smart, knowing that what I am talking about is not this, but your life.

The corners of Yin Ran'er's mouth curled up slightly, and under her lightly smiling face was hiding a deep and unrevealable mind.

"I... shall we go back to the bottom of the sea?" Bossir rubbed her arm, found a comfortable position in her arms, and enjoyed it peacefully.

She nodded, "OK."

After the words fell, the figures of the two submerged in the sea.

However, behind the reef by the sea, a familiar figure slowly walked out...

Under the bottom of the sea, everything is dark blue, and the dark blue fish tail that was once extremely beautiful has now become transparent.

"I...I may not be able to live with you on land all the time, I'm sorry." Bohill spoke intermittently, with some effort.

"I failed to spend the remaining ten years with you. I broke my promise." Yin Ran'er said lightly, her eyes were extraordinarily calm.

It was her fault that she failed to protect him, not him.

Suddenly, an inexplicable feeling arises spontaneously.Yin Ran'er narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked around vigilantly.

There's nothing weird about it...

No, she clearly felt a scorching gaze!The instinctive feeling of the body can't go wrong.

Suddenly, an arrow shot through the air!Even if it was shot into the water, the speed was not affected much.

Yin Ran'er quickly identified the direction of the arrow, as long as she reached out and grabbed it, she could grab it!

Time seemed to stand still at this moment. She reached out and touched the bubbles surrounding her body, and the bubbles burst and turned into foam.

With white and slender fingers, he gently pushed aside the tail of the fish that stood in front of her.

There is an arrow sticking out of it!
The sensitivity of the mermaid is no less than her.

"It's... very good, I... finally protected you once." Bossier smiled, his obsidian eyes flashed with an unknown light, very beautiful.

These eyes are so beautiful.

Yin Ran'er's heart suddenly tugged, and a slight pain spread out.

She reached out to caress his cheek, placed a kiss on his thin lips, and laughed softly: "It's so cute..."

"I...I am willing." He panted, and raised his head arrogantly.

The black dream catcher flickered, was released from the space, and appeared in front of her.

Yin Ran'er sat on the black dream catcher, hugged him in her arms, and said dotingly: "Good boy, I think we have to find someone."

Bohill was almost unable to respond to her, and his body gradually became transparent.The arrow sticking out of the fish's tail has the palace logo imprinted on it!

The scene changed suddenly, and the black dream catcher broke through the sea and stopped firmly at the seaside.

The figure behind the reef is now clearly exposed!
Yin Ran'er walked over with Bo Xier in her arms, curling up her lips, like a ghost crawling up from hell, seeking for someone's life.

"Long time no see..." Her red lips parted slightly, and she slowly uttered two words:

The old king trembled in fright, but he still couldn't hide the joy on his face, he laughed almost crazy!
"He's dead? He's finally dead, baby girl, throw him into the sea!"

Since the first day the old king saw Bosir, the guard at the gate told him his guess.

It is said that the princess brought this man back a few days ago. At that time, he was hugged by the princess and covered with a large robe.

The guard saw that the shape of the robe was a bit weird, and wondered if it might be... a fish tail!

The old king didn't believe it at first, until he found out that his daughter was missing yesterday, so he hurriedly sent someone to follow him, only to see her go into the sea with him!

How could his precious daughter marry a mermaid?Absolutely not!
Kill that mermaid, and the baby girl will wake up and come back to him!

Having achieved his goal, the old king smiled wildly, with a ferocious smile.

Yin Ran'er looked at the old king calmly, reached out and pulled out the arrow from the fish tail, and stabbed the old king's heart without hesitation!

"Ah!" Bright red blood spurted out!He clutched his heart, and fell backwards convulsively...

" unfilial daughter..."

The old king stared wide-eyed, unwilling to die.

Yin Ran'er looked at the mermaid who had become extremely transparent in her arms, and her red lips parted slightly, "I avenged you, are you satisfied?"

"very satisfied."

Bossir tried his best to straighten up, exhausted the last strength in his body, and leaned against her ear: "Sure enough, you really care about me, that's enough..."

"A Yin, I love you."

She was shocked!
Ah Yin?This, this name...

The mermaid's body became completely transparent, turning into many beautiful bubbles, floating towards the sea, and finally disappearing between heaven and earth.
(End of the fourth world)

(End of this chapter)

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