The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 185 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 6

Chapter 185 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 6
Yin Ran'er pressed him on the sofa, not intending to get up at all.

Jing Cheng glared at her, pushed her away, and went down to open the door.

With a "click", the door opened in response.The boy outside the door still raised his hand, maintaining the posture of knocking on the door.

"I'm talking about you, why did it take a long time to open the door, could it be..." The young man complained, put down his hands, stepped across the threshold without any explanation, and walked into the apartment consciously.

Suddenly seeing a person sitting on the sofa, he was shocked, paused for a while, and then slowly spit out the remaining words...

"...Golden House Cangjiao"

And this Jiao looks...pretty good-looking?It's just a little familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before.

The boy scratched his hair, unable to remember for a moment.He simply raised his brows, and stretched out his hand to strike up a conversation.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Ou Chen. Beauty, how about you?" He smiled evilly, and there was a tear mole at the corner of his eye, which added a bit of coquettishness.

The flamboyant boy...

Yin Ran'er just stared at Ou Chen's face, with a standard arc on the corner of her mouth, and didn't speak.

His outstretched hand stopped in mid-air, unable to let it go for a long time, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"It's just a thick-skinned unexpected visitor." Jing Cheng walked out from the entrance, and said slowly.

He also looked up at Ou Chen, "Same as you."

as same as him?
Ou Chen was not happy anymore, and his temper exploded as soon as he said it, "Master kindly came to see you, who do you think is the uninvited guest?"

"You don't even look at yourself, you're disheveled."

At the end, as if he suddenly noticed something, he suddenly raised his head, "Ah Cheng, you won't...with her, will you?"

"Yin Ran'er." She interrupted abruptly.

Ou Chen choked, and just ignored his answers, but at this time, you were quite active in reporting your name.

He glanced at Jing Cheng, and passed his eyes over.It seems that this beauty is interested in you...

Jing Cheng's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker, "You both get out of my house!"

He walked over, one on each side, he picked it up and threw it out.

"Bang Dang!" The door was closed vigorously, and Ou Chen stood outside the door, almost touching his nose.

"Jing Cheng!" He shouted angrily, but the door was closed tightly without leaving any gaps.He complained to himself, "This heartless..."

"Ding dong." The elevator notification sounded suddenly.

When Ou Chen turned his head, the girl who was standing next to him had disappeared.He hurried to the elevator in two or three steps, seeing that the elevator door was about to close, he stretched out his hand to support it!

"Hey, wait a minute..."

The elevator door slowly opened, revealing the eyes of the girl inside who seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

He got in, heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked curiously: "Miss Yin, why are you at Ah Cheng's house?"

That boring monster never let girls into the house before.

"Did you not read the headlines this morning?" Yin Ran'er's tone was very natural. He took out his mobile phone and swiped the screen a few times with his slender fingers, and the content quickly appeared in front of his eyes.

#今日头题: Gossip queen’s night at the gate storm#
#Reveal!Best actor Jing Cheng and his mysterious girlfriend! #
Ou Chen opened his mouth wide in surprise, staring at the screen for a long time, speechless.

He carefully looked at the girl in front of him from head to toe.

Pretty is beautiful, but he had never heard Jing Cheng mention it before.That guy, she won't be able to handle it in a day...

"It's fake..." Ou Chen could not help but say out loud, glanced at Yin Ran'er from the corner of his eye, and his whole body was shocked!
"Ding dong." The elevator arrived soon.

Without looking at him again, she walked out of the elevator, and her slender figure disappeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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