The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 187 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 8

Chapter 187 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 8
"Tell me, what's going on here."

The newspaper was thrown on the table with a "snap", and the sound was extremely crisp.On the newspaper page, the big bold headline is particularly conspicuous...

#新生华丹阴染儿, Overnight at the Gate Storm#
The huge office is dominated by black and white tones.

The mature woman was sitting on a black leather chair, with her arms propped on the table, her slender fingers tapping on the table, waiting for an answer.

Yin Ran'er glanced at the newspaper, reached out and took the lollipop out of her mouth, "literally."

She licked the corner of her lips, as if reminiscing.Well, it's pretty sweet.

Seeing her nonchalant look, Gu Ling was furious.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Gu Ling gritted her teeth, "Do you still want to hang out in the entertainment industry?"

Yin Ran'er thought about it seriously, "I don't think there is anything wrong with sleeping with my boyfriend."

Being a star is really tiring, and no one cares about sleeping.

"You said he was your boyfriend, is he your boyfriend?" Gu Ling replied angrily.

Jing Cheng is a big movie king with tens of millions of fans, but you are just a new star, can he fall in love with you...

Although she knew that her artist was very good-looking, how can someone who can climb to the position of movie star be a superficial person who looks at the face.

Sitting at home at this time, Jing Superficial Cheng: "..." Ah Choo!
Here, Yin Ran'er evoked an inexplicable smile, "I say yes, he is."

With a look of disbelief, Gu Ling got up from the leather seat and reached out to touch her forehead, "I'm not sick, why are you talking nonsense today..."

Yin Ran'er calmly stroked her close hand, without saying a word.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now." Sister Ling turned around and miraculously quickly picked out a few documents from the pile of documents on the desk, and laid them out in front of her.

Perfume advertisements, ring advertisements, mask advertisements, aunt towel advertisements, diaper advertisements...

What the hell?

Yin Ran'er has black lines on her face, the first few are pretty normal, why is the painting style in the back getting more and more strange?
Diapers?That's right.

Gu Ling naturally saw her thoughts.

To be precise, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yin Ran'er now has an expression of "I'm so good-looking and rich in status, yet you let me endorse diapers, are you crazy?" written all over her face.

"After what happened last night, your reputation is not good now, so you can only endorse some down-to-earth commercials." Gu Ling said the facts seriously.

"If we don't act a little faster, those small ads may also be lost."

After listening, Yin Ran'er was silent, the original owner had tormented himself so miserably...

She flipped through these advertisements, and quickly glanced at the content. The white paper was flipping through, and there were ten lines at a glance.

"That's it, Nicole Perfume." Her fingers rested on the contract for the perfume advertisement.

Opened it up again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he took out the contract and handed it to Sister Ling.

"Well, this is indeed your best choice at the moment." Gu Ling nodded in agreement.

The endorsement ring is not suitable, after all, she is still unmarried.The effect of the mask is easily controversial.Aunt wipes and diapers, not to mention...

You know.

Gu Ling sat back on the leather seat, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and dialed a number.

"Is it Mr. Zhang? Regarding the endorsement of the perfume produced by your company, I think we can find a time to talk..."

(End of this chapter)

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