The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 193 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 14

Chapter 193 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 14
Yin Ran'er froze and forgot to move in his arms.

Qin Shi felt quite satisfied with the girl's reaction.He raised his hand to stroke her hair, like a cat in his arms.

Suddenly, she grabbed his wrist with a very serious expression.

He didn't know what she wanted to do, but just let her do it.

After a while, Yin Ran'er let go of his wrist again, and pushed him away gently, "Boss Qin will say what he has to say, it's better not to touch him."

Qin Shi: "..."

Who is doing the tricks? !

Well, he did it first.

Qin Shi compromised, he sat and raised his head slightly, staring intently at the girl standing in front of him, only one step away from him.

But it feels very far away, illusory, as if it will disappear at any time.

Yin Ran'er put her hands behind her back calmly, and twirled her fingertips a few times...

This familiar feeling should undoubtedly be his resentment.

But who will come out and explain to her why that little fairy Jing Cheng also has his resentment?Two wisps of resentful souls actually appeared in the same world!
Yin Ran'er still had a smile on her face, thinking about how to dismantle the system tonight.

[Host calm down!calm! 】The stupid system trembled in fright. Logically speaking, as a system, it is bound to the spirit of the host, coexisting and dying, so it should not be afraid of the host.

However, the stupid system knows exactly what kind of host it is bound to, even if it is not completely accurate, it can still guess at all.

According to the madness of her own host, there was nothing she couldn't do.

[Host, think about it, we have to look in a good direction.Although it is embarrassing and tricky for two strands of resentful souls to appear in the same world, the victory lies in the number! 】

The stupid system began to rack its brains to come up with bad ideas, in order to avoid the fate of being demolished.

[As long as we successfully collect two strands of resentful souls in this world, won't the progress be faster? 】

Yin Ran'er was silent, the system couldn't detect what she was thinking, and she was a little confused.

[Host, what do you think? 】

She shook her head, "No, no."

A stupid system can't come up with any good ideas, and now it actually advocates letting her have two legs!

Although... the two boats are considered the same.But in this world, their bodies are different, which is still very disturbing.

"What are you thinking."

The man's voice suddenly sounded in front of him. Hearing it abruptly, he couldn't help but feel a little cold.

Yin Ran'er just stood there, looking down at the sitting man, her eyes lingered on his face for a few seconds, and finally fell on those eyes.

I have to say that Qin Shi's eyes are also extremely beautiful.Perhaps because the two strands of resentful souls belong to the same person, Qin Shi and Jing Cheng's eyes are somewhat similar...

"Boss Qin called me, he must be idle, right?"

Yin Ran'er changed the topic and brought her to the office in the first place.

Seeing that she didn't want to talk about it, Qin Shi didn't force her. Anyway, the future is long, so he is not in a hurry.

"You and Jing Cheng, what's going on?"

Turn on the phone today, and when I surf the Internet, there are all the scandals about her and Jing Cheng, so why stay overnight?One night stand?

I was so angry with him on the spot, I made a big fuss.

"As you can see, it is what you think it is." Yin Ran'er responded lightly, with vague words.

"You'd better control yourself, don't give the company..."

He paused, "Don't trouble yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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