The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 199 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 20

Chapter 199 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 20
"Okay." The staff member responded, turned to look at Jing Cheng, his face was reddish, and he really looked uncomfortable.

When he turned his head again, the handsome man beside him had long since disappeared.

The staff shook their heads, these artists were all elusive.He walked over to Jing Cheng's side and looked around, there were many empty wine glasses piled up.

Probably drunk...

"Jing Shao, are you okay? Do you need me to take you back to the lounge?" the staff asked.

Jing Cheng himself also felt that something was wrong, his body was hot and dry, and the surrounding temperature seemed to have risen a lot.

"En." He replied, because he drank a lot of wine just now, so now his voice sounds a little hoarse.

The staff saw that the rest of the crew were still drinking to their heart's content, and they were almost a little bit tipsy. They just thought it was Jing Cheng who couldn't drink well, and sent them upstairs without much thought.

308 ...

Just now, Mr. Ji seemed to say that Jing Shao's lounge is in 308...

He looked up at the house number, and supported Jing Cheng, "Mr. Jing, your lounge is here."

Jing Cheng nodded and motioned for him to go down.

His body became hotter and hotter, and wave after wave of heat surged up, seeming to overwhelm him.

If he doesn't know what's going on now, he has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he will be in vain.

Damn, someone plotted against me again...

Jing Cheng pushed open the door and entered the bathroom impatiently, wanting to take a cold shower to cool off.

However, before the shower could be turned on, the bathroom door suddenly opened again.

Because I came in too quickly, I didn't turn on the lights.A tall figure appeared vaguely at the door of the bathroom.

"Fuck, who is it?"

Jing Cheng's breathing became rapid and irregular, and he tried to stay awake.

"Jing Shao, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling bad?" A mature bass voice suddenly sounded in the bathroom. The man pretended to be concerned, and the footsteps were getting closer.

Jing Cheng glared over, "Ji Nian? Get out..."

However, having said that, there was no deterrent effect. After taking the drug, he was weak and his tone was soft.

He has played with Ji Nian for so long, so he naturally knows more or less about Ji Nian's affair, but this pervert is not taboo!even men...

"Jing Shao, have you... taken Chinese medicine?" Ji Nian's tone was a little surprised, and he said after a while: "As a brother, it's okay for me to help you."

"Get lost..." Jing Cheng's voice was very hoarse, and he felt weak at the moment.

Damn, if the other party really attacks, he has no power to fight back now!
Ji Nian was pressing each other step by step, and he was about to reach the front of his eyes.Jing Cheng couldn't help pushing back a few steps, and suddenly his back hit the cold wall.

"Hmm..." He couldn't help but snorted, the hotness of his body seemed to be relieved a little when he met the cold wall, it was very comfortable.

He tried his best to maintain the last sliver of reason, knocked down the shelf beside him indiscriminately, and laid it in front of him, blocking the progress of that pervert.

Ji Nian heard Jing Cheng's muffled snort, but seemed to be inspired, his eyes were a little excited.

Regardless of the shelf under his feet, he took a little effort to step over and kick the thing aside.

"Jing Shao, let me help you, you see you are so uncomfortable..."

As he said that, he was about to reach out for his coat, and took it off in two or three strokes.

Jing Cheng pushed Ji Nian away, but Ji Nian tied his hands with the sleeve of his coat with his backhand...

(End of this chapter)

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