The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 427 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 21

Chapter 427 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 21


Yin Ran'er didn't realize it for a while, and realized later that he might be referring to the blood clan just now.

The appearance is quite flamboyant.

[Host, I think you should coax the little brother first, the little brother was really a little black just now. 】

The system couldn't help but pop up.


She doesn't like that vampire, he is going to be blackened just by guessing... Why is it so difficult to deal with?

【...Maybe he likes you? 】

"Then don't give it to me."

[Probably because of shyness. ] In this regard, the system can't figure it out.

It is an emotionless system, and the host wants to fall in love, it is too difficult.

Yin Ran'er supported the coffin with one hand, and Ji Yin was forced by her to lean back on the coffin.

She looked into his eyes seriously, and said word by word: "I don't like others." I only like you.

One goblin is enough to coax her, she is crazy to want another one.

Don't like...others?
Ji Yin noticed her words, but before he had time to think about it, his eyes blurred and suddenly went dark.



Host, do you really remember that you like little brother?
Yin Ran'er picked up the comatose young man horizontally, put him into the coffin in front of him, and then closed the coffin lid thoughtfully to prevent anyone from disturbing him.


You are so sweet.

Little brother meeting you is simply a blessing he cultivated in eight lifetimes, the kind that most people can't bear...

"His honor." Yin Ran'er didn't care about the system's yin and yang, and took it for granted.

Stupid system suddenly.
Blood races sleep during the day and are active at night.

I don't know how long I slept, but when Ji Yin woke up, the sky was still bright.

Glancing at the time, he realized that a whole day had passed.

Ji Yin vaguely remembered talking to Yin Ran'er at the end, and then lost consciousness.Well, it seems that she took advantage of his unguardedness and knocked him unconscious.

For several years, he has been defenseless against her.Even though, she might have contacted Xuehun behind his back before...

Ji Yin shook his head and didn't think about it any further.He wants to get out of the room.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he saw a girl standing outside the door.

She withdrew her hand that was about to open the door, looking very natural: "It's just right, since we're awake, let's go."


"The world that belongs to the blood race."

Ji Yin was silent for a while, and suddenly remembered the exchange condition of the blood race: "Don't you have to go first..." To get the blood of that vampire bat?
He didn't say the second half of the sentence, because he saw the man just coming over...

"Are you sure you really want to go? Little girl, don't blame me for not reminding you, the vampire world is not as safe as the human world..."

There was a smile on the corner of the seductive man's mouth, and it was rare to remind him.

Usually he is not so kind, unless he is looking for prey.

Ji Yin frowned, and glanced at him coldly, with some warning in his eyes.

The charming man's smile deepened, he was very surprised by Ji Yin's reaction.

It seems that some interesting secrets have been discovered...

Here, Yin Ran'er saw the man holding a scroll in one hand, and she didn't bother to wait for him to talk nonsense, so she just took it over and opened it.

A pentagram array appeared at the foot, exuding fluorescence, very delicate and beautiful.

Yin Ran'er reached out to hold Ji Yin.

In the next second, the two disappeared in place.

The room returned to silence.

After a while, the bewitching man slowly took out three small glass bottles from his pocket, shook them a few times, dark red blood was reflected in the bottles...

He chuckled.

What a fun little girl...

This time, Ji Yin might have met the right person.

(End of this chapter)

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