The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 434 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 28

Chapter 434 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 28
The feeling of being pierced by fangs is not pleasant at all.

Yin Ran'er could feel her blood draining, accompanied by the slight swallowing sound of the boy buried in her neck.

Forget it.

I really owe him...

Yin Ran'er didn't care, and let him suck blood.I thought he would stop in moderation, but as time passed by, he didn't stop.

She started to feel dizzy.

"Enough, Ji Yin."

If you continue to suck it, your body will lose too much blood and die! !
Hearing the girl's voice, Ji Yin stopped abruptly, and after confirming that she was fine, he lightly licked the bite marks.

On the contrary, this movement seemed to cause a burst of electricity to pass through Yin Ran'er's whole body, making her tremble.

The bleeding stopped, but Yin Ran'er's face was a little pale.

Ben has a perennially paralyzed face, and has always been expressionless and indifferent.Looking at it this way, her pale face is even more frightening.

However, Ji Yin didn't care about this.

The tingling sensation in the neck disappeared, and Yin Ran'er's attention was drawn back. She did not forget the guess just now.

"Ji Yin, you like me too."

Not in a questioning tone, but a firm statement.

She has confidence in the goblin.

This time Ji Yin finally didn't deny it, he stared at Yin Ran'er, and finally said "um".


Probably like it.

He's never liked anyone before, doesn't know.However, she did attract him all the time.

It was true that he wanted to tie her by his side and let her be with him all the time.

Even though he was betrayed by a human child...

But he has turned her into a vampire, she is different...

When Yin Ran'er heard Ji Yin's confession, she finally felt a little relieved.

Little heartless... After chasing him for so long, and tolerating him being so many monsters, he finally succeeded.

If this is still not successful, she will consider breaking a plane and changing people!
System: [...] The host didn't shout fiercely, but the plane didn't collapse even once.

It's all used to being scare.

"Count, Prince Alyssa wants to see you."

A respectful male voice suddenly sounded outside the door, it sounded hoarse and not pleasant.

Oh?Didn't expect the little goblin to still have staff?
She thought he was a polished commander!It's like the kind of poor little guy who wants no one, no power, and is bullied all day long.

As a result, Ji Yin returned to his cold face, as if he didn't want to talk to that person: "No see."

The people outside the door seemed to be used to Ji Yin's rejection of such requests, so they didn't ask too much, and went down after accepting orders.

Prince Alyssa…

Who loves Alisa?

Yin Ran'er belatedly noticed the name mentioned by the man just now, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I haven't seen her."

It was rare for Ji Yin to explain, in order not to misunderstand Yin Ran'er.

She was quite surprised, but she never thought that he would like someone else.After all, her goblin has always kept herself clean.

She believed in him, and was very relieved.

"I believe you."

Yin Ran'er leaned over and kissed Ji Yin's thin lips, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "Why don't we continue?"


Ji Yin turned slightly and understood what she meant.But he frowned, and gently pushed her away: "No, you are too weak now."

A newborn blood family, and lost so much blood.If he is with her...

It will kill her.

Yin Ran'er: "..."

The original owner has a weak body! !

(End of this chapter)

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