The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 436 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 30

Chapter 436 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 30
Who would put these broken organs in a big wooden box and put them at the door of Ji Yin's residence?

"Who gave this to you?" Yin Ran'er frowned, pointing to the bloodshot thing.

Ji Yin shook his head: "I don't know."

The news of Ji Yin's return had already spread throughout the blood clan world.

No one can tell how these blood races know about it. Probably all blood races with some status have their own news channels or means of obtaining it.

Since they can easily know, it must not be difficult to put something at the door without anyone noticing.

In this way, the range of this person... blood race is wide, and it will be very difficult to find out.

Yin Ran'er stared at the bloody organs contained in the big wooden box. After a long while, she closed the box intact to isolate the unpleasant stench.


No, only the lower vampires would find it delicious.

She doesn't have such a heavy taste.

Ji Yin came over, raised his hand, and those things disappeared in front of his eyes together with the wooden box.

Only a black envelope fell to the ground, with a delicate rose pressed on it.

This scene has a familiar feeling, deja vu...

There is only one sentence in the black envelope:

——The face watered with blood will last forever, and withering is also rebirth.

This is the sentence again.

Ji Yin remembered that last time a human boy died at school, and he received this at night.

Yin Ran'er obviously remembered what happened before. She stared at the black envelope, only to see it disappearing before her eyes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's as if it never happened...

However, this is obviously a warning to Ji Yin.

What is the warning?
What Yin Ran'er learned was only the memory of the original owner. As for the other plots, she didn't know at all, so it's really troublesome now...

Ji Yin's face became more and more cold, looking a little gloomy and terrifying.

He suddenly felt the girl hugging him from behind and rubbing his hair: "Don't think about it, you don't need to be afraid of him."

The girl's tone was very light, although her tone was still calm, Ji Yin could feel that she was coaxing him.

The icy aura emanating from his body dissipated a lot immediately.

The blood race clearly has no body temperature and no heartbeat.But at this moment, he seemed to feel some warmth in his heart.

"Yeah." Ji Yin turned around and held her in his arms, vowing: "I won't let you have trouble."

Yin Ran'er: "..."

Want to protect me again?


It seems that there are some can't let the goblin know.

The system trembled a little: [Host, what are you going to do again...]

Yin Ran'er touched her chin secretly, she didn't know what she was thinking, and a light flashed in her eyes.

She smiled faintly, and casually said: "It's nothing."


I always feel that the host's smile is mostly malicious...

It looks like something is going to happen! !
The dark sky remained unchanged, not even a single star could be seen.

In the blood clan world, it is pitch black no matter what time of day or night.

You never know when a vampire will attack you and try to suck your blood dry.


this moment.

There was a rustling sound nearby, mixed with the sound of the wind, which could not be heard clearly.

Yin Ran'er stretched out his hand to grab it casually, and caught a black thing, which was quite big.

No matter how good her night vision is, it is still impossible to see clearly in a place like the blood race where there is almost no light at all.

She took out the black dreamcatcher, lit it up, and then looked at the black thing in her hand...

Immediately throw it away!

Yin Ran'er: "..."

Sorry, it's ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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