Chapter 446
A hall shrouded in clouds and mist floats above the sky, filled with immortal aura.While making people feel dreamy, it can't help but feel a little deserted.

There is a spirit beast outside the main hall, which is lying among the many fairy grasses, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

With a "squeak", the door of the main hall was opened from the inside.

The spirit beast stopped absorbing the spiritual energy, stood up and shook its tail, and walked towards the main hall with catwalks, as if wanting the man to pet it.

The girl was wearing a long black gown, standing at the gate of the hall, staring coldly at the spirit beast in front of her, without moving.

It wasn't too disappointed, knowing that its lord had always been cold and would hardly get close to anything.

"My lord, you woke up later than usual this morning, what happened?"

The Lord has never been a sleepy and lazy person, and he has never woken up so late.

The girl's expression was a little cold, she was not angry, but habitually expressionless.

What happened?
She doesn't have any recollection, but oddly enough...

She put her hand on her heart, feeling a slight strange change.

There seems to be some pain here.

"My lord?" The spirit beast called her again tentatively.

Yin Ran'er shook her head, and said slowly, "No problem."

Since the lord himself said so, it must be fine.

The spirit beast didn't ask any more questions, but suddenly mentioned another matter: "Master, the two elders sent someone to ask you to go to the divine court."

Generally, if nothing major happened, the elders would not disturb the Lord.

Yin Ran'er looked into the distance with misty eyes, then nodded to show that she knew.


Court of God.

There were two seemingly unpredictable elders, sitting on the seats on both sides, with solemn expressions.

The girl came from a distance, and her slender figure gradually became clear.

"Second elders, what's the matter?"

The Great Elder's attitude was somewhat respectful: "Master, it is indeed a matter for you to come here today."

"A few days ago, your disciple Qi Yao repeatedly made mistakes, and then disappeared. Recently, there has been turmoil in the demon world. I guess, this matter may have something to do with it."

Yin Ran'er didn't explain, but said quietly: "It has nothing to do with him."

"How does the lord know that it has nothing to do with him? I think it's most likely the work of that traitor!"

The second elder was impulsive and irritable, and his attitude was obviously not that respectful.

The Great Elder hurriedly stopped him, apologizing to Yin Ran'er, and saying something like "I hope the lord Haihan".In short, just ask Yin Ran'er to forgive him, don't worry about it.

The elders are all elected. In fact, these two elders have been elected for hundreds of years, but they have not seen her a few times in 100 years.

It's just that I didn't expect that Shenting's selection of candidates is really getting worse and worse...

She glanced at the two elders coldly, turned around and left without saying anything.

The two elders left behind looked at each other, not knowing what they were planning...

Wait for Yin Ran'er to return to the main hall.

The spirit beast noticed that she was obviously angry, and wanted to ask something to care about, but Yin Ran'er ignored it and walked out.

I left as soon as I came back, and I don't know where I'm going?
But soon, the spirit beast received a voice transmission from Yin Ran'er, telling it to guard the hall and not see anyone who came.

The spirit beast did so, and lay down in the middle of the fairy grass again, waiting for her to come back.

It always feels that the Lord is not the same as before, but the person is indeed still the same person...

What happened to the Lord?In just one night, it could make her express so many emotions!

(End of this chapter)

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