Chapter 452
Yin Ran'er considered the authenticity of these words, and finally felt that Qi Yao should not have lied to her.

Because it has reached the current point, there is no need for him to lie anymore.

The details he omitted were nothing more than experiences he didn't want to talk about, and those experiences would not be very good after all.

Yin Ran'er didn't ask any more questions.

Qi Yao lowered his head, seemed to be immersed in memories, and planned to say something more.

However, with a few "clicks", he felt that the restraint on his wrist was gone.

The chain that hung him was broken!

But Qi Yao's tendons had been picked out a long time ago, so naturally he lost his support all of a sudden, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably...

Yin Ran'er paused for a moment, but finally failed to catch Qi Yao.She just reached out to grab his clothes, trying to hold him back.

However, the clothes on Qi Yao's body had already been stained with blood and were in tatters.After such a pull by her, a large piece was torn off directly overwhelmed!

The boy still fell heavily to the ground, his face pale...

"Hiss..." He sucked in a breath of cold air, feeling that all the wounds on his body, big and small, were pulling and aching, as if his internal organs were about to burst.

Yin Ran'er: "..."

She pursed her lips, and threw the bloody cloth in her hand aside.A trace of spiritual power overflowed from the fingertips, destroying the shackles on Qi Yao's feet.

"You can get out of here."

She is a good person who keeps her promises.

However, Qi Yao was in so much pain that he couldn't move, and his tendons were severed, his hands and feet were so weak that he couldn't move his body at all.

He laughed suddenly, and his voice was broken: "...Master is so calculating...I didn't do you tell me to get out of here?"

"That's something you should think about." Yin Ran'er replied flatly.

He has already been given a chance, so is it still delusional to ask her to help him escape?


"Haha..." Qi Yao smiled bleakly, but he was helpless, his body was full of anger and rampant.

He tried to stand up, but couldn't.

Yin Ran'er kept watching, neither helping nor hindering.

Just like that, after a while, Qi Yao finally gave up struggling, and fell to the ground completely like a puddle of mud, panting slightly.

"Master, why not kill me..."

A life like mud, no matter how much you fight, you can't escape the fate of mud...

What's the point of such a dark day...

"Since you can't choose the way out, I'll choose for you." The girl looked down at him, and couldn't help but rubbed her fingertips a few times.

What's the meaning.

What... choose for him?
Qi Yao didn't react for a while, and suddenly his body flew into the air, and fell into a warm embrace, and a faint fragrance came from it.

Qi Yao's mind went blank, and even the pain from all parts of his body couldn't bring him back to his thoughts.

He suddenly couldn't hear the sound of boiling magma, and even the beating of his heart seemed to have stagnated.

After a few seconds, he managed to come back to his senses, but felt that he had been placed on a soft couch.

Qi Yao subconsciously reached out and touched it, the texture was very soft.

This is obviously not a dungeon.

The location has changed.

"Master... respect?"

Qi Yao shook his hands, unbelievable, his voice was hoarse and trembling: "...Where is this?"

Also, did she hug him just now...

"The side hall of the Great Hall of the Spirit World." Yin Ran'er's voice was as usual, as if she was just talking about a normal thing.

"You will stay here from now on, and no one else will come in."

However, she is not someone else.

(End of this chapter)

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