Chapter 454
"Now that the Six Realms are in turmoil, we old bones, it's time to rectify the Immortal Realm..."

The Great Elder stroked his beard, shook his head, and finally sighed.

"This..." The immortal was a little embarrassed, and obviously hesitated: "With the strength of the few of us, it is far from enough to calm down the fairy world."

"However, 1000 years have passed since the last Six Realms War, and Xian Zunshang is still in seclusion, so we can only rely on us!"

The immortals looked at each other, a little flustered, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Otherwise, go and ask for the help of the Lingzun..." Someone suggested tentatively.

"Hmph, looking for the Lingzun?" The second elder became angry when he heard it, and immediately jumped up: "In my opinion, we should go and arrest her villain first! She protects the villain so much, it is likely that she is separated from the Three Realms." Nothing to do!"

"Second Elder, speak carefully!"

"Second Elder, speak carefully!"

A group of immortals hurriedly stopped him, refusing to say any more.

After all, Lingzun is very powerful, if this word is passed to her ears by someone with a heart, it will be harmful to the fairy world but not beneficial...

"Lingzun is so powerful, he will definitely not join forces with evil people!"

It's already very powerful, she doesn't need it...

However, the second elder still did not give up, and was even very determined: "Lingzun can't, but her villain Qi Yao can't be sure! Thousands of years ago, we felt the devilish energy in him!"

"Later, it was said that Qi Yao was going to be dealt with, but he suddenly disappeared. He must not be dead, most likely he was protected by his master!"

The more the Second Elder spoke, the more excited he became, scaring the immortals around him quite a bit. If these words were heard by the Spirit Venerable, would it be worth it? !

There is indeed some truth.

That villain is a hidden danger.

The Great Elder's face was heavy, he pondered for a while, and agreed: "There is indeed something strange, we should send someone... to investigate again, this time focusing on the spirit world."

People who hide felonies in the Three Realms...

If it is found out, even Lingzun may not be able to protect himself alone.

The Great Elder had already spoken, and the immortals also felt reasonable in their hearts, so they had to follow suit.


The sky was dark, filled with black and dense fog, and the beam of light could hardly be seen.

From time to time, there were a few weird calls, not like human voices, which sounded inexplicable and intrusive, as if there were horrible and ugly monsters hidden somewhere...

The girl was wearing a long black gown, walking slowly in the dim environment, almost blending into the darkness.

"Who dares to break into the Demon Realm without authorization!!"

A hoarse and unpleasant voice suddenly sounded, which seemed particularly abrupt and malicious.

Yin Ran'er was not frightened in the slightest, instead she was like a real devil climbing up from hell to claim her life:

"The one who came to take your life."

The words fell, and the next second she reached out and grabbed a strange-shaped living thing from the darkness. It felt sticky and greasy, which was very bad.

The fingers snapped together!


As soon as the shrill scream sounded, it disappeared again.That strange living thing turned into powder in an instant...

Suddenly, a shadow emerged from the black mist, attacking with evil energy!
"go to hell!"

Going to eat her... tear her to shreds! !

Yin Ran'er reacted quickly, dodging the attack with a dodge.When she raised her hand, a gust of wind hit it, hitting the demon accurately.

"Ah! You..." So fast.

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a "puff", the sound of flesh and blood being pierced.

Yin Ran'er's eyes were as dark as ink, and she pierced the demon's heart with one hand, and her wrist moved violently!
Ashes to ashes...

Blood spattered on her body, and the black shirt was darkened in several places.

She lowered her head for a glance, then raised her head expressionlessly, her eyes turned to the darkness around her, without focus, her red lips parted slightly:

"Next, which one of you will die first?"

(End of this chapter)

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