Chapter 464
[Host don't...don't kill me. 】

The stupid system was scared now, and started to pretend to be pitiful.

Since it has been caught by Yin Ran'er now, it is impossible to have spiritual communication with her anymore, and this buzzing voice is directly released...

Yin Ran'er raised her eyebrows to look at it, and her eyes flicked around, but she didn't kill it directly.Dare to invade her nerves, if it was placed in the past, it would have died thousands of times.

"He raised you?" Yin Ran'er asked, pointing to the young man lying on the bed.

[No, no, I was arrested by him, but it was earlier. 】

The stupid system quickly explained.

In fact, it was indeed earlier, it met Qi Yao by chance when he was a child.

At that time, the demon king was cruel and careless, and the demon world was still relatively chaotic. It was still a wild succubus with only ambition.

That day, it happened to pass near the Demon Palace, and saw Qi Yao being bullied by several little demon kings—the sons of the Demon Lord, besieged in an inconspicuous edge.

But it is a demon, the kind that is terrifying, cold-blooded, and ruthless!So it wasn't even going to help him.

However, it just had to pass over there for a while. Who knew that a little devil had a bad aim and accidentally injured it.

It fell down when it couldn't fly, and it happened to fall next to Qi Yao, and then it was bound inexplicably.

Yin Ran'er: "..."

Stupid, really stupid.

She doesn't have to doubt the truth anymore, this is definitely something the two of them idiots can do.

Qi Yao gradually woke up, just in time to hear the end of the story.

He thought for a while, and then said: "It was your blood that splashed on the wound on my left hand, so it was fused and bound."

No, no way...Is that so?

This coincidence directly involved the rest of his life, hey!The stupid system looked unbelievable.

Yin Ran'er ignored it for the time being, walked to the bed, and sat next to Qi Yao.

Feeling the familiar breath, Qi Yao shrank back with great effort.

"Why, this deity is scary?"

Why is he afraid of being like this?

【You gave his eyes to..., and also disabled his meridians. 】

The stupid system interjected weakly, and turned over old accounts.

Hearing this, Qi Yao's face turned pale, and he pursed his thin lips tightly.Yin Ran'er glanced at the chubby Bai Tuanzi faintly, and suddenly remembered something...

"In those planes, you agreed to collect resentful souls for the purpose of reducing his resentment?"

[No, no, I didn't know that the little brother was him. I thought he just made up someone to seduce you.Who would have thought that he would use himself as bait...]

Yin Ran'er looked at Qi Yao: "Are you using yourself as a bait to delay time?"

Well, underestimate him.

He knew she liked his eyes, so there was a high probability that she would fall for it.

"...Not all of them." Qi Yao lowered his head, he was hesitating again.

He was hesitating whether to tell her the real reason...

Yin Ran'er suddenly said, "Qi Yao, you still remember what you said in the dream just now."

Qi Yao's face changed from white to red for a while.

That's remembering...

Qi Yao took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, he still planned to tell her the reason, anyway, the master knew...he liked her.

It's useless to hide it any more.

"Master, I..." The young man paused, a gloomy expression appeared on his face for the first time:

"I don't want to see you fall in love with others, even if it's just a close contact, I'm so jealous..."

(End of this chapter)

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