Chapter 476
Yin Ran'er didn't stay in the spirit world all day, and even if she did, she was still in the hall and didn't care about other things.

Of course she doesn't know where the scenery in the spirit world is better.

Finally, guided by the spirit beast, she and Qi Yao came to the westernmost part of the spirit world.

There is a cliff, with countless green vines intertwined with each other, stretching down from the cliff, bottomless.

It is said that no one has been there, not even spirit beasts.

But the edge of the cliff is quite spacious. Now that the enchantment of the spirit world has been withdrawn, when the sun sets in the west, you can see the most beautiful sunset at a close distance.

"Master, what is under this cliff?"

Qi Yao carefully moved to the edge of the cliff step by step, and looked down with his head. It was so dark that it was really bottomless.

"Why don't you go down and have a look?" Yin Ran'er was right behind him, jokingly, and gently pushed his waist forward.

The boy's body trembled, he turned around and grabbed her hand, seeing her smiling, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master, you are making fun of me again..."


Yin Ran'er didn't admit it, and he couldn't help it.But it can be seen that Qi Yao is more relaxed than before, and seems to have learned to get along with her.

"The vigilance is so low, I'm not afraid of being pushed down one day."

"Don't be afraid, Master is here." Master will definitely protect him.

"Then what if I push you?"

"Well... no."

Qi Yao grabbed Yin Ran'er's wide sleeves and shook them lightly like a child, trusting blindly.

As the sun went down, the afterglow shone on the young man's face, adding to his complexion, as if his whole body was an angel gilded with light, clean and beautiful.

Qi Yao turned his head and looked towards the direction where the sun was shining. The sky was a fiery red, magnificent and awe-inspiring.

"Master, look over there, it's so beautiful."

Yin Ran'er's eyes fell on the side face of the young man, and the light outlined a clear outline.

After a while, she slowly responded, "Well, it looks good."

after awhile.

The two sat down on the edge of the cliff, and Qi Yao took Yin Ran'er's hand, not worrying about the danger, he just sat down, dangling his legs in the air and dangling back and forth.

He is really happy.

For so many years, I have never been as happy as I am now.

He left the dark dungeon, his eyes were able to see light again, most of the meridians in his body were restored, and the master was also very kind to him.

Everything seems to be moving in a better direction.

"If only time could stop at this moment." The boy couldn't help but sigh.

Yin Ran'er looked at him: "You think?"

She can satisfy the little goblin's wish and use spiritual power to freeze the time frame of the picture, although there will be some troubles in the follow-up.

Those old men would come to "visit" her and persuade her not to act recklessly.

Qi Yao probably understood what she was thinking, and shook his head to himself: "No need, it's fine as it is."

He was just talking.

It really freezes the time, it's not a mess.

"Master will always be by my side?"

"Will do."

After getting an affirmative answer, Qi Yao smiled from the bottom of his heart, leaned over, and smacked her cheek!
Yin Ran'er: "..."

She raised her hand to wipe the saliva that didn't exist on her cheek,
Qi Yao curled his lips when he saw it: "You're starting to dislike me." It's too much, how can you do such a gesture in front of him!
Yin Ran'er: "..."

Well, what you say is what it is.

(End of this chapter)

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