Chapter 487
"You're starting to talk poorly again."

Yin Ran'er raised her hand helplessly, and flicked his head lightly, which was regarded as a small punishment.

Qi Yao covered his forehead, but still couldn't restrain his smirk, and retorted: "No way, what I'm saying is the truth."

The two quarreled for a while.

Guessing lantern riddles started quickly, and there were not too many people participating, only a dozen or so. Most of them didn't want to buy anything, but wanted to join in the fun, so they stood aside and watched.

There are more people watching.

The competition went on round by round, and the order Qi Yao drew was fifth, so I waited for a while to see how others guessed.

Time passed quickly and it was their turn.

"Two guest officers, your topic is 'Welcome the Spring with Probes', type a verse."

"A branch of red apricot came out of the wall."

Yin Ran'er answered casually, she answered quickly, and only after she had finished speaking did she realize that she should give the little goblin a chance to perform.

Well, give him the next question!
"Girl is amazing, you answered it so quickly." The peddler praised and spoke beautiful words.

The onlookers who watched the excitement were full of sighs, laughing and joking about the hawker, what kind of problem is this?

"The next question is rain after a long drought."

Qi Yao thought for a while, "It rains in time."

"This young master is also very good, the two of you will continue to the next question."

The peddler continued: "Do you know that there is a Wangjiang Pavilion on the other side of the imperial city?"

Wangjiang Pavilion?
Qi Yao thought for a while, but didn't understand what it meant. Looking back at Yin Ran'er, she also shook her head, as if she didn't know.

Maybe they just came here, so they don't understand these things, but there is no way...

"The answer is, it's close to the water." The peddler looked at the two, winked at them, and smiled meaningfully.

A tinge of red gradually appeared on Qi Yao's earlobes, and he tightened his grip on Yin Ran'er's hand.

Close to the water, the first to get the moon...

He smiled at the peddler and nodded, he will definitely work hard.

Yin Ran'er pinched his waist secretly with her free hand: "What are you laughing at?"

The little goblin always smiled at everyone.

Hearing this, the smile on Qi Yao's face disappeared instantly, his face was sullen and serious, but his heart was full of joy.

I just like that Shizun takes care of him, so that I can know that she cares about him.

Although he failed in guessing the lantern riddles, Qi Yao is happier now.

Because he doesn't care about winning or losing and gifts, it is enough to feel that Master cares about him!

The two continued to walk aimlessly.

The slightly cool night wind blows, blowing some coolness on his face, and blowing away the scorching heat on his cheeks just now.

In Qi Yao's other hand, he held the unfinished candy figurine, put it near his mouth, and took a sip, as if thinking of something, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

This sugar man, it's not his own taste for a long time...

The two walked around for a while.

The young man seemed to be a little tired, and his interest had faded a bit. He walked in front when he entered the city just now, and now he was walking side by side with Yin Ran'er.

"Tired?" she noticed.

"A little bit." Qi Yao nodded, his tone was quite soft, full of dependence: "Master, can I kiss you? Maybe I won't be tired."

Yin Ran'er thought it was funny: "This deity can cure this?"

"Yes, Master, for me, he can cure all diseases."

Qi Yao may have gotten along with her carefully recently, saying nice things one after the other, as if his mouth had been smeared with honey.

At this time, there was no light in the place where the two stood, so it was not conspicuous.

Yin Ran'er felt that there was nothing she could do with him, and waved helplessly, motioning for him to come closer, and leaned over to cover her soft thin lips.

(End of this chapter)

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