Chapter 496
This night, Qi Yao has been studying the contents of the Dharma book seriously, and quickly memorized all the exercises above in his mind.

Moreover, he also used some less powerful spiritual techniques, practiced them repeatedly in the room, and memorized them by heart.

It has to be said that Qi Yao's comprehension ability is very strong. Under this kind of powerful and fast learning, he can also digest it smoothly, and gradually practice makes perfect.

Yin Ran'er rested her eyes with her eyes closed next door, and felt that the aura in the room next to her was getting stronger and stronger, and she knew that the boy had almost absorbed it.

Little elf, the talent is really good.

Originally, she thought that the boy would come over at least once to ask how to use or practice, and at least there would be something she didn't understand.

But he didn't, he relied on himself to comprehend bit by bit.

The next morning.

Yin Ran'er woke up, tidied up her clothes, then got up and went to the next door, intending to check the results.

As soon as he opened the door and walked in a few steps, he saw the boy lying on the small wooden table and fell asleep. There was a pile of ashes in the brazier at his feet, which should be the law book he had destroyed.

Qi Yao closed his eyes, his eyelashes cast a small shadow, but it couldn't hide the faint blackness under his eyes.

Judging from the situation, he should have been sleepless all night last night, looking very tired.

Yin Ran'er approached him, leaned over and gently picked him up, walked towards the bed, and put him on the bed.

Qi Yao seemed to feel something, opened his eyes hard, looked at her with a dazed expression, blinked, and gradually gained focus.


"Well, go to sleep for a while."

She responded, sat down on the edge of the bed, touched his forehead lightly, and then moved down to around the eyes.

Qi Yao was really sleepy, and with Yin Ran'er by his side, he became more relaxed, and soon fell asleep again.

The spiritual power and demonic energy in the body check and balance each other, but they are still not very stable. Sometimes the spiritual power prevails, and sometimes the demonic energy prevails, making him uncomfortable.

He seems to have had a very long dream...

In the dream, he returned to his previous days in the demon world, where he was often bullied by those demons, and a group of demons surrounded him every now and then.

He also wanted to go to the fairy world, but his half-demon and half-immortal status made him discouraged, and he might go there just like he was in the demon world.

Later he thought, there are other five realms.

Every 1000 years, a six-world conference will be held, and each world will select disciples from it. As long as he is selected, he can go to those worlds logically.

He dreamed that on the day of the Six Realms Conference, Yin Ran'er was sitting on a high seat, and his eyes fell on him...

But this time, there was disgust in her eyes.


Qi Yao suddenly woke up from the dream, straightened up all of a sudden, and sat up, almost his entire back was soaked in cold sweat.

The next moment, the boy's hand was held, and the back of his hand was covered with a layer of warm feeling, which conveyed the warmth to him.

"What's wrong?"

She gently held his hand, concerned.

Qi Yao's breathing was a little short, he didn't answer, but leaned over to kiss her, holding her face in his hands, cautiously and a little eagerly.

The breath in his body was chaotic.

Two different energies have been fighting each other, and neither will let the other.

Yin Ran'er frowned slightly, looking at the young man's face close at hand, she flushed a little as if she had just woken up from a dream.

He is restless.

She thought about it, maybe it was just a nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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