Chapter 498
Yin Ran'er didn't ask Qi Yao why he showed her this first.

Maybe he likes it, or maybe he thinks she likes it...

Of course, he also chose some other spiritual methods later, and after showing them several times, Yin Ran'er felt that he had made great progress.

The little goblin was able to memorize all of these in one night, and was able to use them, which is already very good, although he is still a little unskilled.

Yin Ran'er rubbed his head: "In the future, don't forget to practice more."

Qi Yao nodded positively, there seemed to be a glimmer of light in his eyes, and he looked at her expectantly: "Master, then... can we go out to play now?"

"Just want to play."

Yin Ran'er stretched out her finger and tapped the tip of the boy's nose, but she didn't mean to blame him.

Of course Qi Yao could tell that she was not angry, so he intensified, raised his hand and grabbed her finger, and said with a smile:

"I don't think about playing, I just think about Master."

"Qi Yao."

"I won't say it, I won't say it."
In the end, the two left the inn and wandered aimlessly on the street.

There was no special event today, so Yin Ran'er just walked around with him casually, and if he came across something he liked, he would buy it.

System: […] Of course you don’t feel bad about spending money, it’s all my money! !

Sooner or later, it will run away from her hands and can no longer be enslaved by them!

The system only dared to yell in its heart, but didn't dare to say it out loud, or let Yin Ran'er know what it was thinking, because it couldn't beat her now...

"Have you bought it yet?"

The girl's voice was clear and beautiful, without much fluctuation, but Qi Yao could hear the meaning of concern from it.

"Ah, I bought it."

He took a bunch of candied haws wrapped by the peddler, paid for it, turned around and handed it to her mouth, flattering him, "Ah Yin, take the first bite."

"You want this deity to taste the taste for you?" Good guy, you don't want to eat it if it's sour, right?

Yin Ran'er looked up at him, Qi Yao scratched his head in embarrassment, pretending to be shy: "Hey, I was discovered by you..."

Yin Ran'er: "..." Good, so cute.

Just as Qi Yao was about to say something, he found that the person in front of him had already eaten a mouthful of candied haws, and took a light bite of one.

Sure enough, Master is hard-spoken and soft-hearted!

He couldn't help but bend the corners of his lips, the lake in his heart was rippling, she was so kind.

"Sweet or not, is it delicious?"

Yin Ran'er tasted it seriously, and then commented: "It's okay."

Qi Yao was a little surprised, and slightly opened his eyes wide. After a few seconds, he looked at the candied haws in his hand, and took a bite himself.

"It's pretty sweet..." Could it be that Master doesn't like sweets?
A question flashed through Qi Yao's mind, before he had time to ask it, something happened not far away.

Someone actually robbed things in the street, turned around and ran away after the robbery!
The woman who was robbed anxiously shouted: "Someone robbed—"

Coincidentally, the gangster was running in the direction of Yin Ran'er and Qi Yao, and he was about to pass in front of them.

Yin Ran'er didn't intend to care about it at first, but just watched coldly with a calm expression.

But when the gangster passed by them, he seemed to bump into her accidentally, he stumbled, and he turned his head and gave her a vicious look.

Yin Ran'er: "..."

What's the matter, it's not that she stretched out her foot to trip him on purpose.

People stand by the side of the road, and the pot comes from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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