Chapter 507
"Qi Yao."

When the girl's familiar voice came, Qi Yao was stunned for a moment, then turned his head suddenly, and could vaguely see the person at the door coming in, and soon arrived inside.

His eyes lit up, full of joy, and he did not hide it: "Master!"

Qi Yao quickly put down the things in his hands, put on the bracelet, and ran towards her: "Master, why did you come back so soon?"

He gently pulled Yin Ran'er's sleeve, his fingers immediately got in, and he took her hand and held it.

Yin Ran'er noticed the young man's small movements, and smiled: "The deity is back early, are you unhappy?"

"Happy, of course I'm happy!"

She stretched out her other hand and tapped the tip of Qi Yao's nose, her every move was full of pampering.

The young man happily dragged Yin Ran'er inside, came to the table and sat down, and gave her one of the candied fruit on the table.

He asked, "Has the Six Realms Conference ended?"

Is it so fast?

"not yet."

Yin Ran'er didn't take the candied fruit, so she just took a small bite from his hand, and the sweet taste spread on the tip of her tongue.

"Three days later, there will be a third competition. At that time, they will have to enter the secret realm, and they will only come out after a day and a night."

In her opinion, that is a more meaningful item of the Six Realms Conference, which can test a person's comprehensive ability.

Any lack of ability may cause them to die in the secret realm and never come out again.

Qi Yao was still immersed in her intimacy just now, and it took a few seconds to realize that she was talking about the secret realm.

He thought about it, "Speaking of which, I also entered the secret realm at that time."

Yin Ran'er had no curiosity, but she followed him and asked, "What secret realm did you enter?"

The secret realm everyone enters is random. Of course, there are also differences in difficulty. What you get depends on luck.

"I don't know. I remember that the secret realm was a barren land. There was no grass growing, and there was no sun. The sky and the earth were all in darkness."

Yin Ran'er's eyes moved slightly, seeming to flicker, and remembered something, which was very similar to the scene he described....

"The secret realm you entered at that time should have been set up by this deity." She said softly.

Qi Yao was a little surprised. He looked up at her, but found her expression... a bit indescribable, not very good anyway.

He tactfully did not continue to ask, but smiled and said: "Really? Then it seems that it proves that Master and I are really destined!"

That's right, even the secret realm can draw the one she set up.

Could it be fate?
Yin Ran'er slightly hooked the corners of her lips, with a softness in her brows and eyes, she reached out and rubbed the boy's head.

"After three days, will Master go to the Demon Realm again?" Qi Yao asked.

"Well, I have to go again."

However, the time to go this time is very short, and I will be back in less than two days.

Qi Yao glanced at his mouth, looking unhappy, but still sucked his nose and didn't say anything.

He didn't say anything, but deliberately made this appearance, which was a bit pitiful, and Yin Ran'er couldn't bear it even more.

The boy took advantage of the situation and made a request: "Then... I want to make a small request, can I?"

He has now fully mastered the way to persuade Yin Ran'er, that is, to be soft and soft, and she will definitely not be able to stand it, and then agree to him.



"For these three days, I want to stay with Master all the time!"

(End of this chapter)

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