Chapter 512
Yin Ran'er arranged Qi Yao well, bought some novel ornaments for him, and put them in the side hall.

The side hall now is not as empty and deserted as it used to be, but there are various things, most of which are according to Qi Yao's preferences.

It seems that it is a little more popular.

After everything was arranged, Yin Ran'er went to the Devil Realm to attend the Six Realms Conference again, and it would take two days to come back from this trip.

Demon world.

The Six Worlds Conference continued.

This time, the number of people returning to the field dropped sharply, more than half of the number before the first round of competition, and there were no more than a hundred people standing on the field.

Yin Ran'er was sitting on a high position with a calm expression. She glanced at the faces of these candidate disciples, most of which were worried or excited.

He wanted to strive for a better ranking and get the chance to be selected as an inner disciple by the lords from all walks of life, but he was worried that he would not have such luck and die in the secret realm directly.

"The final test of the secret realm has officially begun."

There are all kinds of secret places, some are fictional by illusion, or some places that actually exist in a certain world.

Everyone is randomly assigned, betting on luck and relying on strength.

After all the candidate disciples have entered their respective secret realms, the lords sitting in high positions and the great elders of the fairy world can randomly select secret realms and throw them in mid-air for inspection.

See what kind of secret realm they have entered, and what kind of state they are in.

The God Venerable and the Great Elder of the Immortal Realm paid close attention to the test of the secret realm and observed the whole process carefully, so there was no much communication.

Mozun sat on the seat to Yin Ran'er's left. He obviously didn't pay much attention to the secret realm, and his attitude was a little loose, but he took the initiative to talk to her:

"Master Lingzun thinks, who might be the number one this time?"

Yin Ran'er was not too interested, and said solemnly and honestly: "I don't know."

"You guessed it?" he continued.


She has never seriously watched the competition at all, the first two games were not interesting, and now she has just opened the secret realm, how can she know who is the first?

Yin Ran'er glanced sideways at Mozun, her eyes were inexplicably cold.

Mozun restrained his curiosity, got serious, stopped talking to her, and continued to observe the disciples in the secret realm...

This woman's temper has always been very bad, uncertain.

Before, she was still uneasy because of a little bit of the demon world, but she went all the way to the demon palace!
Thinking about it now, there was a shady and cool back.

Mozun pretended not to see her eyes, he pretended to observe the secret realm, as if the disciples inside were very interesting and powerful.

Yin Ran'er withdrew her gaze, and continued to look at the image of the secret realm projected in mid-air with a lack of interest, feeling really bored.

She changed one secret realm after another, and checked at a speed like a horse, basically changing after a few glances.

The video of the secret realm switched to an isolated island. A boy in white was walking by the sea, rolled up his trousers, leaning over as if to grab something in the water...

Yin Ran'er watched for a few seconds, and when she was about to switch to the secret realm, the boy in white suddenly got up and looked around as if sensing her gaze.

He turned his head.

For a moment, Yin Ran'er felt that he was looking in the right direction, and his gaze was directed towards her.

However, people in the secret realm can't see the outside, and their eyes only contacted for a short second. He couldn't find the abnormality, so he looked elsewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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