Chapter 515
"Have you searched here? Have you found anyone?"

"Not yet, go in and have a look."

"Proceed with caution."

Qi Yao was standing by the door of the side hall, and the voice outside seemed to be getting closer and closer, but this time he heard it clearly.

They're here to search for...

No, are you here to catch him? !
Qi Yao's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition, if they really came to arrest him, he would definitely bring trouble to Master if he was discovered!

He took a few steps back, left the door, turned around and walked quickly inside.

If this group of people just broke into the spirit world without authorization, looking for something, or had other intentions, he could still go out and fight this group of people to drive them out of the spirit world.

But if he was here specifically to catch him, then he must not be discovered, otherwise he would be in a trap and bring trouble to her.

And she had always hated trouble the most.

Outside the side hall, there were voices of several people talking:


"what happened?"

"This side hall seems to be restricted, and there is an enchantment, so it can't be opened."

Even the main hall of the Linggong Palace, they have sneaked in just now, and they can go in, but such a side hall has an enchantment?
something wrong.

"You guys are staring here, I'm going to invite the elders."

One of the disciples came to his senses and turned around to invite the elders. Anyway, the elders also came in, not far away.

Qi Yao's heart gradually sank when he heard the conversation of the people outside the door, he really came to arrest him, even the elders of the fairy world came.

millennia ago.

It was the group of elders in the fairy world who insisted on pointing out that he killed the little god, insisted that it was him, and handed him over to the lords of the six realms to deal with them together.

They want him dead...

Qi Yao recalled the 1000 years in the dungeon, and suddenly felt that Master actually saved his life.

Although she hurt him like that, she didn't hand him over.

If he falls into the situation of being dealt with by the venerables, he will surely die.

"Elders, it is this side hall that has an enchantment!"

Several elders from the Immortal Realm arrived at the door very quickly, Qi Yao's heart skipped a beat, he frowned, turned around and hid behind the screen in the inner room, staring closely at the door through the gap.

He cannot be discovered by these immortals...

"This side hall is a bit strange, what do you think?"

The aura here is a bit too strong. The Spirit Gathering Formation set up by the Spirit Venerable before was probably set up here. I don't know what it did, but it has been withdrawn now.

Several elders discussed it, and after looking for a lot of places, they didn't find any trace of Qi Yao, which made this side hall even more suspicious.

In the end, they still gritted their teeth and decided to work together to open the enchantment of the side hall.

Now that he has broken into the spirit world, he must be searched out!Otherwise, with Lingzun's unpredictable temperament, after he came back and found out, he would definitely not forgive them!
The Six Worlds Conference is not over yet, the Great Elder and the Second Elder of the Immortal Realm are in the Demon Realm.

However, with the abilities of several of their elders, it should be possible to open this enchantment together!


With a loud noise, the enchantment shattered, and the range spread to the elders and disciples of the fairy world outside.

They were bounced for a long distance and fell heavily to the ground!
A few seconds later, everyone endured the pain, and the elders rushed into the side hall with their disciples, and gave an order: "Quickly search!"

The enchantment was opened, Lingzun must have noticed it, they have to find that villain as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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