Chapter 518
The news came suddenly.

It almost made the Great Elder of the Immortal Realm overjoyed. On the one hand, he felt that he had finally caught someone, and on the other hand, he secretly looked at the expression on Lingzun's face.

She lowered her eyes, as if she hadn't noticed it yet.

The Great Elder kept an eye out, and at an angle that no one noticed, he secretly used a fairy technique to open the photo stone in his hand.

Since Lingzun shielded her evil disciple so much, it proves that the relationship between the two is very good.

At the Six Realms Conference this time, it was rare for her to personally appoint two people, maybe she was planning to accept new apprentices.

If you record these and show them to that villain, maybe you can just stop his thoughts...

The Great Elder's abacus was clattering in his heart, but he didn't dare to reveal anything on the surface, so as not to be seen.

The apprenticeship session of the conference is still going on.

From the tenth to the third place, they all chose the more powerful God Realm and Demon Realm, and there are also two in the Immortal Realm.

Why no one chooses the spirit world?
Who would choose such a deserted place!

Even if you choose, you won't be able to get in. This Spiritual Venerable is notoriously indifferent and ruthless. He doesn't care if there are too few people in the spirit world, whether his status will be threatened or not.

The one who entered the second place also entered the God Realm.

Then finally it was the turn of the white-clothed boy, the first, and also the most vying for disciple from all walks of life.

Unexpectedly, the boy in white didn't hesitate to choose the Lord of the Spirit World.

He is both brave and sincere: "I want to worship under Lingzun's sect and guard the spirit world together."

Yin Ran'er glanced at him lightly, completely unmoved: "I have no intention of accepting disciples, and the spirit world does not need your protection."

Good guy, this is equivalent to a direct rejection, and you still say it so arrogantly!

Everyone sighed silently for the young man, he was quite courageous, he dared to choose Lingzun's sect, wouldn't that mean he was waiting to be rejected?

The young man in white was not discouraged at all, but put it another way: "Then I just want to learn some spiritual techniques, is that okay?"


The other Lords of the Four Realms: "..."

Immortal World Great Elder: "..."

The new disciples present: "..."

"Master Lingzun, don't refuse in a hurry, listen to me first, and it's not too late for you to make a decision." The young man in white smiled brightly and said with confidence, "You will definitely be interested."

Yin Ran'er glanced at him, and after a while, she lowered her eyes and looked at the armrest next to the honored seat.

The boy in white thought for a while, and this meant that he was allowed to speak.

He took a deep breath, boldly stepped forward, and walked towards the high position step by step.

Everyone doesn't know what he wants to do, isn't it just a word?Why are you still walking over...


Everyone gasped, their eyes widened, and they stared at that side intently, all in shock!
I saw that the young man in white actually walked up to the seat of the Spirit Venerable, leaned over, and said something in her ear.

Is it necessary to say something like this?He was not afraid of provoking Lingzun's anger, so he directly killed him!

In fact, when he leaned over, Yin Ran'er almost made a move. His hands were already raised, and they almost fell down.

But then he said something that made her froze.

The boy in white whispered softly in her ear:

——My host, long time no see, and I'm not stupid, don't squeeze my little coffers anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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