Chapter 521
"Impossible, how is it possible..."

Qi Yao's heart was pulled hard, as if being pierced by a sharp knife, the pain came and went.

He didn't believe it was real, he believed in Yin Ran'er more than these illusory images.

But with such a scene in front of him, his heart still trembled uncontrollably, and he couldn't breathe.

"Being caught by you is because my skills are inferior to others. Don't use these fake things to lie to me again!"

The wounds all over Qi Yao's body were in pain, his hands and feet were worn out by the shackles, bloody and bloody, but nothing could compare to the pain in his heart.

The Great Elder sneered, thinking that the villain in front of him was really ridiculous, and he was still kept in the dark, deceiving himself and others.

"The picture stone can't be faked. Do you think I used it to lie to you?" How could he be so naive.

"Impossible!" She would never lie to him, it must be the elder of the fairy world who is lying to him!

"It seems that you really have a deep relationship between master and apprentice, but Lingzun kicked you away now."

The Great Elder didn't know why Qi Yao believed in Ling Zun so much, even after seeing the photo stone, he chose to believe her.

In fact, Qi Yao was already heartbroken, even the tip of his heart was trembling, his fingers couldn't help trembling slightly, but he tried his best to suppress himself, and he didn't show it on the surface.

"Whether you believe it or not, Lingzun has returned to the spirit world with his new apprentice." The elder continued to sow discord: "You are just an abandoned disciple now."

—You are nothing but an outcast now.

Qi Yao frowned, the demonic energy in his body rushed, clamoring to tear him apart, or destroy this place!

——These immortals in the fairy world are not good things, they are talking nonsense and killing them.

——Kill them, everything will be fine, Master will always be by your side, and you can be together forever.

—No one can tear you apart.

The devilish energy in Qi Yao's body was churning, rushing against his internal organs, a strong bloody smell surged up, and a line of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He wanted to raise his hand to wipe off the blood, but his wrists were bound by chains, and he couldn't wipe the corner of his mouth at all.

The Great Elder found out that something was wrong with Qi Yao, and vaguely felt that it had worked. After thinking about it, he decided to add another dose of shocking information: "Since you don't believe it, I can take you to the spirit world to have a look."

"Big elder!"

"No, Great Elder!"

Several elders and disciples standing outside the prison uttered their voices to stop them, and finally captured this villain, how could he be allowed to go to the spirit world again!
What if you run away?
Unexpectedly, the Great Elder raised his hand to signal them not to speak, and gave them a "proper" look.

This villain has been seriously injured and is still restrained. With his current physical condition, it is impossible to escape.

Just hide his aura and take a look at the white-clothed boy from a distance, so as not to be discovered by the Lingzun.

This is not a very simple matter.

After hearing this, Qi Yao really reacted, raised his head and gave him a deep look, but didn't make a sound.


The Great Elder did what he said, and pulled him to stand up with gestures: "Hmph, this should be your last chance to go to the spirit world, so cherish it."

He dragged Qi Yao straight out of the prison, with a look on his face that was sure to win.

Today, I will let this villain completely stop thinking about it!As long as there is a crisis of trust between him and Lingzun, he will be completely finished!

(End of this chapter)

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