Chapter 526
"Lord Mozun, lord Mozun, it's not good!"

In the main hall of the Demon Palace, a demon hurriedly ran in to make an announcement. Its shrill voice echoed in the main hall, harsh and unpleasant.

With a cold face, Mozun gave him a disdainful look, "What's the matter? You're in such a panic."

"A demon master died! He was found outside the demon palace this morning, and has... already become a dead bone!"

What, his son died?

Mozun suspected that he had heard it wrong, and his face was gloomy and scary: "Is he the eldest son of the deity?"

"No, no, it's the one you punished yesterday."

Oh, that's his fifth son.

When Mozun heard that he was not the eldest son, his face softened a little, because only the eldest son was born to his wife Mozun, and the status of the rest of the heirs was unknown, just to continue his bloodline.

Even so, Mozun was still very angry when one of his sons was killed.

"Who did it?"

To be so bold as to dare to attack his heir.

The demon who came to report lowered his head, not daring to speak nonsense: "At present, we haven't found out who did it, but there is a strange power left on the dry bone, he died as if he was swallowed by someone's energy. .”

Sometimes the word "evil ways" is not nonsense.

There are many demons in the demon world. In order to quickly increase their power, they will choose shortcuts and use shady means to strengthen themselves.

For example, signing a contract with a demon, or devouring other people's energy...

With only this one clue, it would be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack to find out who killed the demon's son.

"Search! Give this deity a full search and arrest. You must catch him and bring him back to the devil's palace. This deity will tear him into pieces!"

At this moment, Mozun looked really angry, his face was full of anger.

Because killing demons even dared to kill the son of the demon venerable, this is simply a provocation, even a declaration of war!

The Mozun calmed down his anger, and threw something to the Mo who came to report—it was a small bottle of black potion.

"Drink it."

The demon was terrified, holding the black potion in his hand, and tremblingly raised his head to look up at the Demon Venerable: "Master Demon Venerable, why, why..."

He didn't do anything, why did you let him drink this kind of thing?
If you drink this stuff, it will...

"Today's news, I don't want it to spread outside the Demon Palace." The Demon Lord squinted at the demon below, his expression dark and cold: "There is nothing wrong with the Demon Lord's son, they are all in the Demon Palace, understand?"

If this matter gets out, what will the people in the devil world think?
One of the Demon Lord's sons was killed, but who did it is still unknown, if it spreads out, wouldn't he become a joke!

Under the great coercion of the demon king, the demon's hand trembled, and finally poured the small bottle of black potion into its mouth.

The potion is tasteless, and there is no big reaction for a while.

But he knew that this black potion...

"Thanks, thank you Lord Mozun." After the demon drank, he had to tremblingly thank him for his grace of not killing.

"Go out."

Master Mozun waved his hand, indicating that the demon can go out. Now that he saw it, he remembered the bad news just now and was upset.

Mo Lian rolled and scrambled, quickly turned around and quickly walked away from the main hall of the Demon Palace, and couldn't bear to stay here for another second.

In case Lord Mozun repented, he might lose his life if he stayed for a while longer.

(End of this chapter)

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