Chapter 532
After coming out of the side hall, Qi Yao quickly bypassed the place where the spirit beast might go, but was not found.

The spirit beast went to the vicinity of the barrier just now, but it is not there now, I don't know what to do when it leaves...

Qi Yao didn't think about it any further, before it came back, he gathered his black cloak and stepped out of the barrier.

——Look at the way you run away, if the Lingzun comes back and bumps into you, what will she think?

The boy shook his head, trying to ignore the voice, trying to shake it off, not to listen, but he couldn't.

The voice in his heart kept mocking Qi Yao, unknowingly, manipulating the demon energy in his body, eating away at his reason bit by bit.

Anger, resentment, and jealousy will all push Qi Yao into a darker abyss, where he will be manipulated by the inner demon.

Right now, it's clearly getting better.

very good……

Qi Yao almost gritted his teeth and growled, "Stop talking!"

He didn't want to hear it, so stop talking.

——It's useless if you don't want to listen, you are not strong enough now, if Lingzun insists on protecting her apprentice, with your current ability, there is no way to kill him!

——Only by becoming stronger can you kill him and show some color to those old immortals in the fairy world!

The inner demon spoke step by step, the voice seemed to be right next to the ear, and it seemed to be coming from thousands of miles away, suddenly far away and now near...

It is inducing the evil in his heart.

Qi Yao seemed to be bewitched, his eyes became a bit empty, but the obsession in his mind became more and more serious, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Yes, what if she protects the boy in white.

Will she protect that person and then fight against him?

no, no...

Qi Yao's thin lips moved slightly, and he whispered: "I have to become stronger to be with Master..."

Seeing the effect of the bewitching, the inner demon persevered in consolidating the idea for him. Once the idea of ​​desire takes root, it will soon be able to control the body!
Even replace him!
— That’s right, so now you should become stronger!Just like the method I told you before, go to the devil world to devour other people's energy, go...

This is a shortcut that can make people stronger quickly, but many immortals regard it as a crooked method.

So what about crooked evil ways?Just work.

Only the strong with strength can dominate everything!
Qi Yao paused, as if he had finally compromised and gave up, dazed, and asked in a low voice: "Can the energy of the entire demon world be used by me?"

——Haha, of course!As long as you think, just do it!
The heart demon is even more proud when he hears it, as long as the youth's desire continues to grow, it will be one step closer to growing its power!
It began to induce and come up with bad ideas, telling him that he could devour the power of some little devils first, and when the time was right, he could transfer the target to the devil's palace...

It's best to go all out and swallow all the power of the demon king, and keep it for yourself!

The strong demonic energy in the Demon Lord's body, coupled with most of the demonic energy absorbed in the previous stage, is the best nourishment for it!

And Qi Yao will also completely lose his sense of autonomy and become its puppet, and there will be no more resistance.

At that time, looking at the entire Six Realms, who else can be its opponent?It will dominate everything and create a new dark world full of malice!Ha ha……

--go Go……

(End of this chapter)

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