Chapter 540
An hour later.

The big demon lay faceless on the ground, his back was firmly stepped on by the young man's foot, he could only cling to the ground, unable to move.

There was a small pool of scarlet blood on the ground, which flowed from his body.

That frenzied Fallen Devil...... In order to get the inner alchemy, it actually pulled out a bloody hole in his body!
"You, no, get, good, die!" the big devil gritted his teeth and roared, every word was full of resentment towards the boy.

But hate turns to hate, in fact, the big demon has already vented more gas than breathed in, and is powerless to recover.

I thought they were going to have a big fight, but unexpectedly, that kid actually coveted his inner alchemy wholeheartedly, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he just forcibly took it out...

"The strong prey on the weak, you lose." Qi Yao looked indifferent, just stating the facts calmly.

He skillfully used the inner alchemy in his hand to calm down the disordered energy in his body, and then began to absorb the energy of the inner alchemy.

A gust of wind blew, and the black cloak the boy was wearing shook, and the hood slid down to his shoulders, revealing a slightly pale handsome face, which added a bit of eerie feeling to the dark sky...

Soon, the gloomy light emitted by the inner alchemy in his hand became weaker and weaker, indicating that the energy had been swallowed up.

The remnants of the devils reacted, and still rushed forward without giving up, trying to tear Qi Yao apart and rescue the big devil, but they all returned in vain.

This Fallen Demon's current ability is too strong. Just by raising his hand, he used his demonic energy to blow away several demons. They are no match for him at all!
After the inner alchemy's energy had been absorbed, the young man clenched his palms tightly, feeling that the energy in his body had increased a little more, swimming between the tendons and veins, it was extremely plentiful.

Suddenly, he let go of his hand, casually threw away the useless inner alchemy, and just hit the big devil's face, without any expression.

Insult is Chi Guoguo's insult!
The big devil was about to explode with anger, but he had no choice but to be trampled under the feet of Qi Yao, who was still extremely humiliated, unable to resist, so he had no choice but to try to negotiate terms:
"It's because I'm not as skilled as others. You have taken away the inner alchemy. When will you let me go?"

"Let go of you?"

The young man opened his thin lips lightly, and read these three words once, as if hearing something funny.

——Kill the demon directly.

——You always let others go, who will let you go?
Yes, who will let him go?
In Qi Yao's mind, the peaceful appearance of the girl appeared, and suddenly there was a sudden pain in his heart, he felt a little difficult to breathe, and was upset.

He frowned, his brows and eyes were full of coldness, and he glanced coldly at the big demon stepping on his feet, and suddenly exerted strength...


After a shrill roar, the big demon was wiped out, never to be seen again.

Seeing this scene, the few remaining demons couldn't help but stand up, feeling extremely horrified, turned around and planned to run away.

God, even the leader was killed by this Fallen Demon, and the method was so cruel, how could they be his opponents...

No, it won't work like this.

The big deal is not to use the century-old cultivation base rewarded by the Demon Venerable, life-saving is the most important thing, so run away!
However, when they just turned around and were about to flee, they found that there was a huge coercion behind them, and they couldn't move at all.

A young man's gloomy voice came from behind: "Where do you want to go?"

it's over...

(End of this chapter)

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