Chapter 543
Everything is too eager for quick success, from the day when Qi Yao was demonized, so far, it has only been a full month.

The inner demon kept asking him to devour the power of other demons in the demon world, disrupting the entire demon world, in fact, in order to quickly become stronger.

But the ability to develop quickly in a short period of time is simply not comparable to the strength accumulated by the Demon Lord for thousands of years.

If you really want to win, unless... you fight in a desperate way.

——If you hide like this, you won't be able to consume the Demon Lord at all.

——Don’t hide, you can only try to withstand his attack, use your devouring ability, and then counterattack!

It's too late, it's too soon.

The boy had already been hit hard by an attack, his body couldn't support himself, and he hit the ground far away.


The smell of blood welled up in his throat, and Qi Yao couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, which spilled a small pool of bright red blood on the ground.

He tapped himself a few times quickly, and he regained his luck in his body, calming down the restless devilish energy.

The young man raised his head to look at the Demon Lord again. His eyes, which were clean in the past, had now become scarlet, as if covered with a layer of mist, appearing bloodthirsty and terrifying.

he can't lose...

He must win this battle!
The Demon Lord did not give him a chance to breathe, and Ling Lie's attacks followed one after another, which was bound to drive him to a dead end, "A mere ant dares to challenge the dignity, it is beyond self-sufficiency!"

The magic energy has been used, and the attack is coming quickly...

Qi Yao stared at the front with deep eyes, without evading at all, to calm down the restless power in his body, he used his body to take those moves forcefully according to the method mentioned by the demon just now.

"Bang bang—"

For a moment, he had difficulty breathing, the pain seemed to be numb, and he even felt that he was about to die, as if his internal organs were smashed and torn by force.

—Quick, now!

The inner demon urged him impatiently, for fear that if it made a mistake at the last moment, all its previous efforts would be wasted.

Qi Yao forcibly regained his consciousness, mobilized his demonic energy, used all the attacks he had just suffered, and returned them all to the Demon Lord!

This, this is...

Mozun couldn't help but widen his eyes, and was startled in his heart, because he had used [-]% of his strength just now to put him to death, but the young man used them again.

This fallen devil's learning ability is so strong?Or is he trying to die together...

There were too many attacks, and it was impossible to dodge at once, so the Demon Lord had no choice but to turn his palms and use all his strength to resist these counterattacks!
In the realm, the forces of the two parties collided fiercely, lighting up the entire space with a flash of white light, and they didn't recover for a long time, and they ended up in a strange "tie".

After a while, the white light gradually faded, and it was about to reveal Jie Yu's appearance just now.

However, Qi Yao knew that this was not a tie at all. In fact, after suffering the several attacks just now, his body was riddled with holes, and he was almost unable to hold on.

Suddenly, the voice from the bottom of my heart sounded again.

——You won't be able to drag on like this for long, why don't you hand over control of your body to me, and I'll fight the Demon Lord.

——You can't beat him, if you want to survive, you can only hand over the control to me.

Let it control your body?

Qi Yao's consciousness was in a trance for a moment, his body was indeed under heavy load, and he really couldn't continue to fight with the Demon Lord.

But he can't die here, he still has things to do.

He has to live...

(End of this chapter)

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