Chapter 561
He must sit in the position of Demon Lord.

I will never leave it to her, and then let her give it to the new apprentice to make the newcomer happy...

Qi Yao closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath for a while, and calmed down the restlessness in his heart, and then put on a high-level airs, and resolutely responded: "The position of Demon Lord can help lead the demon world, so it is naturally intentional."

"Is the Demon Lord's Feather already in your hand?"


The masked demon was overjoyed, thinking that there was still a chance. Since the other party hadn't got the demon's feather, he couldn't mobilize the demon army. As long as he found it first and showed his loyalty, he would definitely gain the trust of the new demon.

At that time, he will still be under one person and above ten thousand people!

"The demon palace is in turmoil tonight, please wait patiently, my lord, and I will surely get the feather of the demon venerable and present it to you, welcome the new demon lord."

To snatch the Demon Lord's Feather?They have already felt the coercion just now, and they are definitely not this person's opponents, so they won't grab it!

The masked demon boldly said respectfully, "Can you show up and see, my lord?"

Having said all this, Qi Yao calculated the time, thought for a while, and gave a deadline:
"After seven days, you will come here again with the feather of the Demon Venerable, and I will show up at that time."


Seven days...

If he was obedient to her and pretended to compromise, he might be able to win her trust.At that time, it should be possible to untie the bondage.

Qi Yao pursed his thin lips lightly, his expression was indifferent, and his eyes were filled with incomprehensible emotions, which were too complicated.

She is also too complicated.

Since the last accident, after kissing him suddenly, she threw him a few pills and never appeared again.

In fact, the seven-day deadline is easy to say, if she never comes here again, how can he break free and get out...

Outside the stone gate, the masked demon pulled up the other two demons, and after a long time did not hear any sound transmission, he hesitated and said, "My lord, are you still there?"

Qi Yao's thoughts were pulled back, and his tone was as if nothing had happened: "Find the Demon Lord's Feather as soon as possible, and step back."


The few demons outside did not dare to stay any longer, for fear of offending the new Demon Lord in the future, and also afraid of meeting other people who broke into the Demon Palace tonight.

After several demons left one after another, the outside of the ice room became quiet again.

But Qi Yao knows that the Demon Palace tonight and even the Demon Realm in the future will inevitably have no peace...

After an unknown amount of time, Qi Yao fell asleep in a daze.

In a daze, he seemed to see a figure walking towards him, and when he got closer, he found that the other person looked exactly like himself, but he was full of evil spirits...

Qi Yao heard him ask with an evil face: "How is it, how does it feel after gaining great power?"

The other party approached him and looked him up and down, his eyes seemed to be evaluating the value of a commodity.

He vaguely heard the figure say a few words such as "good", "body" and "container", and he couldn't hear more words.

Qi Yao frowned, with a strange premonition in his heart, and wanted to ask the other party what he wanted to do, but the other party just smiled without saying a word, with a deep expression on his face.

"Do as I say." The figure was tempting him, as if he was trying to persuade him to do something.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a simple voice sounding, quite eagerly: "No, you must not believe him!"

(End of this chapter)

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