Chapter 572
Qi Yao was stunned for a moment, his mind was empty, he looked at the girl's magnified face, felt the softness on his lips, and his breathing seemed to be tinged with coolness.

It's a familiar feeling, accompanied by her breath, people can't help but want to indulge in it...

It wasn't until she tried to go deeper that Qi Yao suddenly came back to his senses, the emotion in his eyes faded a bit and became clear.


He subconsciously wanted to push her away, but Yin Ran'er didn't give him a chance to react, she took his hands and hugged her waist.

Immediately afterwards, she changed her gentle attitude just now, and became rough, and squeezed his chin a little bit harder, not allowing him to refuse.

Qi Yao couldn't resist after a few struggles, and he obeyed, closing his eyes involuntarily, enjoying it.

There's no way he could win her over.

10 minute later.

Yin Ran'er leaned on the young man's chest, and let him go temporarily. She rolled onto the bed, lay on his back, and hugged him into her arms.

In the darkness, Qi Yao was lying on the bed, panting slightly, his cheeks were stained with an unnatural blush, he felt the temperature behind him, and felt even hotter...

What the hell is he doing.

Facing her, there was no resistance at all.

Qi Yao was slightly annoyed, but after gradually calming down, he felt even more ridiculous that he still had delusions about her.

"You still like this deity, Qi Yao."

When Yin Ran'er came to this conclusion, her usual indifferent tone sounded a little bit complacent at the moment.

In fact, she was sure before, but she didn't expose it.Now that she has kissed again and again, the little goblin has no reason to deny it when she brings it up.

She squeezed a trick with her fingers, and lit the candle lamp in the house, illuminating a small piece of warm light around her.

In the next second, Qi Yao suddenly raised his hand, and the light went out in an instant.

Then, perhaps realizing that he was overreacting, he explained slowly: "If you turn on the's too bright."

Now he really doesn't know how to face her, and he still feels a little safe in the dark, so that he won't be too embarrassed.

Hearing this, Yin Ran'er hooked the corners of her mouth, and hugged the boy in her arms tightly: "Could it be that you want to..."


Qi Yao interrupted her, he could probably guess what she was going to say, but it's not appropriate now.


Her attitude has changed too much. Even in the spirit world before, she would never talk like this and tease him like this.

He didn't know what to do, and... he clearly didn't intend to forgive her, so why did he become like this.

"Just kidding."

Yin Ran'er reached out and pinched his cheek from behind, "It's fine if I didn't scare you just now, go to sleep."

Qi Yao: "..."

So, was it just to tease him?

The young man's heart gradually sank, and it seemed that the inexplicable joy just now disappeared.

"Looking at the way I'm addicted to it, is Master happy?"

Listening to this, it sounded like a question.

Seeing him fascinated by her, maybe she is very proud and enjoys teasing him.

Yin Ran'er probably heard something in Qi Yao's words, and knew that he probably misunderstood the meaning, "Of course I'm happy."

"Because the deity is interested in you."

He has never been a dispensable person, and she even treats him as a future partner, so she will bother to tease him.

If it were other insignificant people, Yin Ran'er would disdain her, so how could she waste her time.

(End of this chapter)

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