Chapter 577
Since that day, the relationship between the two has changed unknowingly, at least the atmosphere between them has become better, not as strange and alienated as before.

Yin Ran'er said she wouldn't go back to the spirit world, so she really didn't. Qi Yao directly found a place not far from the magic palace in the devil world, and arranged for her to live there.

The mansion is not too big, but it is better than quiet.

"Is this where you lived before?" She asked casually.


Qi Yao responded, and didn't feel any embarrassment, although it was far from her spiritual hall... I don't know if she can get used to it.

He looked up at her, and the latter was leaning on the rocking chair not far away, with his eyes closed, and the rocking chair swayed, unexpectedly looking extraordinarily leisurely.She didn't think it was bad here, and she didn't have any pretensions about being the lord of the spirit world.

"Take those restless demons under control as soon as possible, and you will have more subordinates to do things for you, and you don't have to do everything yourself."

In the future, if you don't try to be flexible in managing the Demon Realm, the little goblin will die of exhaustion.

The girl still had her eyes closed, her red lips parted slightly: "Go."

For a long time, Qi Yao seemed to want to say something, moved his thin lips, but couldn't say it, and finally turned into a sentence: "Thank you, Master, for reminding me."

In fact, what he wanted to say was to thank her for being willing to contact him again.

He didn't want to manage the whole demon world, he just wanted to stay by her side forever like this, it would be fine.

It's a pity that he must get more rights in his hands to be qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with her...

Qi Yao's eyes deepened, and his eyelashes drooped down, which well concealed the turmoil in it: "How long will Master stay in the Demon Realm?"

"It depends."

"Then... goodbye."

I hope there is still a chance. See you again.

The young man controlled himself to relax as much as possible, turned around and left the place, and walked outside the mansion, but he didn't take two steps, and couldn't help but look back at her again.

At some point, the sunlight slipped away quietly, and the shadow on the ground moved. Yin Ran'er lay calmly on the rocking chair, rested with her eyes closed, and her whole body was shrouded in the shade of the tree, indescribably cold.

Qi Yao withdrew his gaze, turned around and left again, he finally walked out of the mansion, his back was firm, and he stepped into the large shadow outside...

A gust of wind blew by, and a few leaves from the tree floated down scatteredly, and one of them happened to land in the girl's hair.

Yin Ran'er slowly opened her eyes, reached out to remove the leaves, and closed them again, as if nothing had happened.


After the chaos in the Demon Palace that night, the situation in the Demon Realm became more complicated, but no one from all parties declared war.

Maybe they are all afraid of that mysterious force, or they are secretly testing the strength of all parties to find out whose hands the demon king's feather has fallen into, and they dare not take it lightly.

The seven-day deadline agreed with Qi Yao by the Mask Demon and others has now arrived.

The three demons went outside the ice room again, waiting for each other to appear, but time passed by, but there was no movement, so it was inevitable that they felt a little guilty.

It has been seven days, they have searched the entire Demon Palace, and inquired from many places, but they have not even found the whereabouts of the Feather of the Demon Venerable, so the other party must be impatient...

The masked demon tried to speak out: "My lord, can you show up and see us?"

No one responded.

They had no choice but to wait patiently, looking at the closed stone door of the ice room from time to time, guessing whether the person was inside.

(End of this chapter)

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