Chapter 580
The task that Qi Yao entrusted to the masked demons was done very well, but in just a few days, the power trend of the entire demon world has changed.

He also appeared several times, but no one knew that he was the Fallen Demon who personally killed the Demon Lord, and was wanted by the entire Demon Realm for a while.

Now, Qi Yao appeared as a new force, and he also took the initiative to show himself in the open, which caused quite a stir in the dark. All the forces found that he didn't seem to have been "interviewed" by the magic army, so they couldn't help but become vigilant.

In recent days, the activities of the magic army have been very frequent, and they didn't even look for him, which means that either his power is feared by the magic army, or he is the one who commands the magic army.

No matter what it is, it means that the devil world is about to change...

"My lord, the forces around the Demon Palace have been cleaned up, and the biggest thing left is the rumored mysterious force, do you think so?"

The masked devil is very efficient, can speak beautiful words, and has a respectful attitude.

"Mysterious forces?" Qi Yao frowned, with a bit of coldness in his eyes: "Can't find their whereabouts?"

The masked demon replied honestly: "The whereabouts of that group of people are really strange, and their behavior is also weird. It seems that they didn't come here for the position of Demon Lord, but..."


"It's to maintain the stability of the Demon Realm."

It's strange, other people cultivate forces to seize the throne, this force not only does not seize the throne itself, but also prevents other forces from starting wars.

"It's been rumored outside, maybe Lingzun is sending people to interfere with the management of the Demon Realm."

Hearing this, Qi Yao's eyes deepened slightly, and the girl's beautiful face and her faint smile appeared in his mind...

He snapped back to his senses, stopped thinking, and couldn't help but raised his hand to rub his temples.If it was really what she sent someone to do, then it wouldn't be surprising, as she had said before that she would reserve the position of Demon Lord for him.

"grown ups?"

The masked demon called out tentatively, feeling that the young man seemed to be not feeling well.

Qi Yao nodded, indicating that he understood: "I will find a way to deal with it, let's step back."

"Yes." The masked demon and the other two little demons had no choice but to leave, not daring to say more, the lord's unpredictable temperament was a bit scary.

After they all left, the young man stayed on the spot alone, lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking, and after a while, he started to go in one direction...

He decided to ask her himself.

Qi Yao and Yin Ran'er hadn't seen each other for a few days, and since he walked out of the mansion that day, he never went back.

One is because he is really busy, and the other is that he needs time to reconsider the relationship between the two of them.


A gust of wind blows, bringing bursts of coolness, and the weather is refreshing.The leaves on the big tree fluttered down one after another, and several fell on the deck chair, where they remained quietly.

There was no one on the reclining chair, and the house was empty. I don't know where the person went...

When Qi Yao came back here, the first thing he saw was such a scene, which turned out to be a bit desolate.

He pursed his lips, stepped up and walked in, stopped in front of the recliner, reached out to brush off the fallen leaves on it, and then sat down.

I don't know if it's his hallucination, or Yin Ran'er really often sits on this recliner, he seems to be able to smell her unique faint fragrance, lingering in this position.

(End of this chapter)

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