Chapter 595
Yin Ran'er's spiritual power is only strong and strong, not pure.

She is not a kind person, so it is naturally impossible to obtain pure energy, and the remaining "impurities" will be swallowed by the magic orb.

The pain she felt was caused by energy tearing, and it wasn't too serious.

"Don't worry." Yin Ran'er softly comforted the young man, seeing his guilty and troubled appearance, she actually felt a little cute.

Qi Yao nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.Fortunately, it won't cause too much harm to her, otherwise he really doesn't know what to do...

"Aren't you angry anymore?"

The girl's voice was light, and she looked at him calmly.

It was only then that Qi Yao slowly realized that she was referring to the previous event, that day he saw her meeting with the boy in white in the mansion, and since then he has been avoiding her.

He is angry.

Really angry and can't calm down at all.


Qi Yao held her hand tightly, met her serious and focused eyes, but couldn't say a word to question her.

What's more, Yin Ran'er came here for him, and blocked the magic beads for him...

The emotions in the boy's heart were churning, clamoring that he was about to engulf him, but he was restrained because he knew she didn't like it.

Yin Ran'er noticed something was wrong with the young man, depressed and depressed, she called out: "Qi Yao?"

Suddenly, he pressed over and hugged her, getting very close, his throat moved, and he couldn't help covering her lips...

Yin Ran'er's heart trembled slightly, and she could clearly feel the teenager's uneasiness and sadness.

Yes, he is sad.

Although she didn't know the specific reason, she still stretched out her hand to hug him, and patted the boy's back a few times to show comfort.

5 minutes later.

Qi Yao seemed to be reluctant to let go of her, pursed her thin lips tightly, hesitated again and again, and then asked that sentence with a trembling voice:

"do you like him?"

This he, of course, refers to the boy in white, and he should be her new apprentice.

Yin Ran'er frowned, and shook her head: "I don't like him, why do you think I like him?"

Did the little goblin think she liked Bai Lian just because she saw her with Bai Lian?Sure enough, I still misunderstood.

Qi Yao didn't expect Yin Ran'er to answer so simply, so he was stunned for a moment, looking at her with puzzled eyes.

In fact, it was more joyful. When the girl's answer fell, he seemed to hear the sound of his heart blooming, and the world became brighter.

"Really?" He confirmed again and again.

"You don't believe in me?"

It was just a question, but Qi Yao was silent, did not answer for a long time, and even let go of her hand.

Yin Ran'er's heart skipped a beat, she frowned, reached out to pull him, but was avoided again.

She clearly saw the complex look in the young man's eyes, with too many emotions mixed together, and she couldn't tell what he meant for a while.

"Qi Yao, why don't you believe in this deity..."

Yin Ran'er said, paused for a moment, and even changed her name: "When have I ever lied to you?"

She asked herself, she had never done anything wrong to him, nor had she lied to him, so why couldn't they trust each other?
"Master clearly knows."

Qi Yao's voice was low, and he looked at her a little more, as if he was re-examining the person in front of him.

She had promised at the beginning that she would not accept others as disciples.

Didn't he still deceive him in the end?

(End of this chapter)

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