Chapter 604
No one knows what it is, but just by the weird shape, it is probably not a good thing, and it seems to have tentacles.

"No, it can't be a ghost."

Xiang Wan was a little scared. After all, she was still a girl at heart, and she had a natural resistance to scary and ugly species.

At some point, Yin Ran'er stood up from the sofa, walked to her side, and stared at the window: "With the current situation, isn't any mutant species out there more terrifying than ghosts?"

Xiang Wan: "..."

Seems to make sense of what's going on.

But she is still afraid!

The windows in the house are closed, which isolates the two spaces inside and outside. They are in the light and the enemy is in the dark, so they will be at a disadvantage psychologically.

Especially the sound insulation here is not very good, through the windows on the first floor, the screams from outside can be heard - presumably there are other survivors.

I just don't know if the people outside can survive this time...

Yin Ran'er came to the window, looked down at the downstairs, with her arms crossed, as if she was watching a play.

Xiang Wan walked over hesitantly, followed her gaze, and found that the fog downstairs was not very heavy, and two figures could be seen running away together, as if they were avoiding something.

When they get closer, they can be found to be a man and a woman. It seems that they happen to be a couple being chased and killed by a mutant monster in the fog, with blood stains on their bodies.

"They're coming to this building..." the girl murmured without further words.

Yin Ran'er glanced at her in surprise, but she was quite calm unexpectedly, she was not a fool, she almost thought she would say something like wanting to save someone.

The thin and tall Wei Yuan simply cleaned up the dishes, with a serious face: "This place is not suitable for staying for a long time, we will leave tomorrow."

The three of them didn't have any complaints, they rested and rectified, and didn't care about the outside situation too much.
The end of the world is coming, and everyone can't protect themselves, and they don't have the heart to take risks to help others.In such an unknown dense fog area, no one can tell what dangers lie inside.


Early the next morning, the genius was bright.

The two brothers who were sleeping on the sofa in the living room were awakened by the quarrel in the corridor. They looked at each other and saw the vigilance and doubt in each other's eyes.

Who was fighting in the corridor, the survivors?

Before a single thought came to an end, Yin Ran'er and Xiang Wan also opened the doors from the bedrooms on both sides, obviously affected by the noise.

Yin Ran'er had a cold face, and there was a cold and alienated aura around her, which was directly related to the attitude of not getting close to strangers, which was a bit scary.

The girl rubbed her eyes, the sleepiness had not completely dissipated.

"Who could it be..." Xiang Wan walked towards the door with light steps without making any sound.

She cautiously looked close to the cat's eyes, and vaguely saw two pointed heads, a man and a woman, standing on the turning platforms of the second and third floors, arguing fiercely.

The woman was not happy: "You promised me before that you would protect me!"

"Didn't I protect you all the time?"

"Hmph, it's a good thing I wasn't the one closest to you last night, otherwise you would have pushed me out, right?" She questioned loudly.

"You are simply unreasonable!" The man was so angry that he dropped the last sentence and walked upstairs angrily.

The lover turned his face, and Xiang Wan remembered that the couple he saw at the window last night seemed to be the two of them.

It can be guessed from the dispute just now that the man sacrificed at least one person around him last night.

(End of this chapter)

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