The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 117 It's Too Cold In The Water, But It's Even Colder On The Shore

Chapter 117 It's Too Cold In The Water, But It's Even Colder On The Shore

"Thank you, Mama Niu, for your kindness. Poor people have their own way of life. Are you still hiring rough and handymen? If not, I'll find another job."

She still refused to fall into prostitution, even if she was exhausted, she would still make money standing up, not lying down to make money.

"Okay, I'll wait until the day you change your mind!" Mother Niu has seen a lot of girls from good families who can't be ashamed at the beginning, but she has been reduced to doing odd jobs on a flower boat, so why pretend to be noble?
Sooner or later, she will be blinded by luxury and money, and will willingly come to beg her to take care of her.

Although working as a handyman on the flower boat is tiring, the salary is not bad, and Mama Niu promised her daily salary.Nian Yaoyue eats and lives on the flower boat, which saves a lot of expenses.

One autumn rain and one cold, I stayed in the flower boat for half a month in a blink of an eye.

That evening, she decided to go back to see her son who had a cold.

Naturally, the guests who come here are not just for eating and drinking, so there are often a lot of leftovers that have not been touched by chopsticks. The kitchen will put away the dishes that have not been touched by chopsticks, and add dishes to the handymen.

Nian Yaoyue ordered a chicken leg, two tea eggs, two bean paste buns, and some fried peanuts, wrapped them in oil paper, and was about to disembark.But I heard a handyman shouting excitedly.

"Come on! Wang Wanwan is throwing silver leaves!!!"

She looked up and saw a fat and round nouveau riche wearing a luxurious fur coat standing on the deck, holding the oiran princess Xi'er in his arms.

And with his other hand, he was grabbing handfuls of silver leaves in the small wooden box carried by the servant and throwing them into the river.

All around was the sound of plopping into the water one after another, and the handymen who knew how to swim jumped into the river to catch the silver leaves.

That's a leaf made of silver!Without saying a word, Nian Yaoyue plunged into the bone-chilling river.

Wang Wanwan smiled for Bojia, without blinking, and threw silver leaves into the river.

Nian Yaoyue, who was shivering from the cold, robbed the silver leaf with a group of tall and thick men.

They huddled against the side of the boat like goldfish waiting to be fed, and Wang Wanwan swarmed as soon as he sprinkled silver leaves.

But gradually she found that there were always people rubbing against her on purpose, taking the opportunity to take advantage of her.

She was wearing plain clothes today. At this time, her clothes were soaked and clinging to her body, revealing her curvy figure.

Even the double lotus on the goose-yellow bellyband can be seen clearly.

She clutched her chest, feeling as uncomfortable as being raped by those naked eyes.

I really want to turn around and go back to the shore immediately, but these silver leaves are all money!The coldness in the water makes people want to cry, but the warmth and warmth of the people on the shore is even more chilling.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she decided to go all out and continue to grab silver leaves with those men.Protecting yourself while robbing.

Rushing and rushing, she couldn't help crying bitterly because of grievances.

In order to eat, she became the person she hated the most.

While wiping her tears, she frantically snatched those silver leaves, and was always on guard against those stinky men with evil intentions.

The men who snatched the silver leaves in the water watched the woman like a crazy tigress snapping her teeth and claws to snatch the silver leaves.

There were sarcasm and lewd looks on their faces.

"I'll give you two silver leaves, will you sleep with me tonight?"

"Go to hell!" Nian Yaoyue kicked the cheap man away while grabbing the silver leaf.

"The little lady has a really graceful figure, wouldn't it be a pity to be a handyman~"

"Get out!" Nian Yaoyue glared at the stinky man fiercely, and stuffed the two silver leaves she had just snatched into her clothes.Stick the meat to hide.

On the painting boat not far away, Yinzhen's knuckles turned white while clutching the side of the boat.

"Su Peisheng!"

"My lord, I have already recorded those people who treat Nian's hands and feet. When I turn around, I will make sure that they cannot see the sun of tomorrow!"

Su Peisheng knew what the master was talking about, so he hurriedly spoke.


Yinzhen closed his eyes and turned around, no longer looking at Nian who was in a panic in the water.

He was afraid that his heart would soften, so he couldn't help jumping into the icy water to suffer with her, and couldn't help but hug her into his arms.

"Seize the flower boat!"

A monstrous hatred ignited in Yinzhen's heart, and Nian would rather live like this ghost than return to the capital to find him.

He wanted to see if she would think of him as a man when Nian Shi was driven to the brink of desperation!
Early the next morning, Nian Yaoyue, who was suffering from a severe cold, came to work on the flower boat with an oil-paper umbrella, only to find that the flower boat had been sealed by the government.

What happened one after another made Nian Yaoyue's heart skip a beat.

No matter how dull she was, she knew she was being watched!Someone is trying to trick her maliciously!

Turning around and running back, panting, he came to Fat Hu's house, but was told that his son had gone to play in the alley next door.

It turned out that the brother Xiao Hui Hui that his son was talking about was the son of the owner of the mansion that everyone envied.

"Ah! Miss Nian! You haven't taken your umbrella yet!"

Fat Tiger Niang watched in amazement that Nian rushed into the heavy rain regardless, not even taking an umbrella with him.What happened?
Standing in front of the luxurious mansion, Nian Yaoyue stretched out her hands against the blue brick wall.She felt a familiar breath.

he came!
Fourth Master is here!

Why is he coming?
He obviously doesn't love her anymore.Why come to torture her?
Watching her running around like a clown to make ends meet.Is he happy?

Could it be that the grievances and sufferings she suffered during this period were all given by fourth master?Why?
Is it because she was not burned to death back then, and she was still alive, which is the original sin in his eyes?
"Why? Woooooooo...why do you never let me go...ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow..."

In the torrential rain, Nian Yaoyue cried loudly against the cold blue brick wall.

Across the wall, Yinzhen, who was also standing in the heavy rain, stretched out his hand against the wall. He had excellent internal strength and could clearly hear every word Nianshi said.

"Oh...why? Because...I love you..." Yinzhen felt that he was making a fool of himself, seeing Nian's wronged and crying, his heart ached.

The pain of thousands of arrows piercing the heart is nothing more than that!Who is punishing whom?Who is not letting go?

Cold and rainy night.

Nian Yaoyue was wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, and the son in her arms showed his head and looked curiously at his preoccupied mother.

"Did we owe a lot of debt?" The little guy asked pitifully, sniffling.

Sister Zhen'er, who lived diagonally opposite before, ran away with her whole family in the middle of the night because her father owed gambling debts.

"Hmm..." The evil fate of a debt of favor is also a debt, and to pay off the debt, Nian Yaoyue decided to run away overnight.

Find a place in a ravine to farm and hunt, and you can be neighbors with monkeys and leopards.

Cherish life, stay away from poison four!
The mother and son fled in embarrassment in the middle of the night.

And on the official road behind them, an unremarkable gray carriage followed not far or near.

"Ama, why do we have to move in the middle of the night? My son still wants to play with Xiao Guban..."

Xiao Honghui rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at Ama.

"Debt collection!" Yinzhen put down the official document in his hand, stretched out his hand and rubbed his son's head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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