Chapter 132 To three, I'm sorry
"Su Peisheng! If you dare to tell him, I'll tell Lord Belle that you want to moleste me!"

Nian Yaoyue threatened at the top of her voice.

Su Peisheng's hasty footsteps stopped immediately, and he knelt down at Nian's feet with a plop, trembling all over with fright.

"Gege, please spare the servant, the servant will never say a word."

She deserves to be the sharp-hearted woman of Lord Baylor, she is too ruthless, as ruthless as Lord Baylor.
With Su Peisheng's support, Nian Yaoyue came to a medical clinic to treat her wounds.

"Madam, you have seven needles in your back. They are not poisonous at all, and they are not difficult silver needles, but iron needles, which can be taken out with a magnet. The trouble is that you are pregnant, so you don't need Mabosan .”

The female doctor who treated the injured said in a difficult way.

"Just deal with it, please lend me a clean veil and just gag!"

The medicine boy quickly brought the chopsticks.

"Come on! Quick battle!"

Nian Yaoyue bit the handkerchief firmly with her teeth, to avoid biting her tongue and lips due to the extreme pain.

Su Peisheng, who was guarding outside, heard the suppressed sobbing inside, his eyes were red.

This is so painful, there is no numbness, and those iron needles with needle holes need to be guided by magnets one by one, and they are taken out from the winding blood vessels without turning.

Even a man would cry in pain.

On the way home last year, Su Peisheng hesitated to speak, and finally gritted his teeth and decided to say something nice for his grandfather.

"That... Nian Gege, the thing is like this, you can listen to the servant explain it to you slowly."

"Empress Xiaoyi lost her daughter back then and couldn't afford to be ill. In order to appease the empress' pain of losing her daughter, Lord Long Live took the newborn fourth master to the Queen's Palace to raise him."

"Not long after, the Tong family also sent uncle Tong Guo's granddaughter, namely Tong Jinxian, to the Queen's side to comfort her."

"Grandpa and Gege Jinxian have been childhood sweethearts since they were young, and they were raised under the queen's lap at the same time. The two ate and slept together, and they didn't share the table until they were six years old, so they are familiar with each other."

"Eat and sleep together? Oh, no wonder!" Nian Yaoyue took rouge and dabbed it on her pale lips, and sneered.

"No, no, oops, look at this stupid mouth of this servant, what this servant means is that in my heart, Jin Xian is like a real sister, so don't worry."

Su Peisheng twitched his mouth in frustration, why did he feel that it was getting darker and darker?

When Yinzhen hurried to Nian's house, it was already past dinner time.

Not seeing Nian, Yinzhen raised his eyes and asked Su Peisheng, this dog slave.

"Master, Nian Gege said that he wanted to have a chat with Mrs. Nian, so he and Mrs. Nian went back to the house early to rest."

Su Peisheng opened his mouth, wondering whether he should tell Lord Belle the news of Nian's injury.

But thinking of Nian's terrible revenge, Su Peisheng became timid again, so he lowered his head and stopped talking.


Yinzhen snorted displeasedly, he rushed to Nian's house in a hurry, didn't even eat dinner, he was very hungry.

But Nian Shi didn't even want to come out to meet him, so why is she making trouble for no reason?
"Slave is old, please greet Lord Baylor~"

Nian Yaling had a formulaic yet polite smirk on his face, and he was about to kneel down to pay Si Baylor his respect.

"Your adults are free."

Yinzhen hurriedly supported Nian Xialing, not daring to let him kneel down. According to his seniority, Yinzhen was Nian Xialing's son-in-law
"Master Baylor, the servant specially prepared a simple meal, and the servant served Lord Baylor for meals~ Oh yes..." Nian Xialing changed the topic.

"Nian Gao said that she misses her natal family, and asked the slave to ask Lord Baylor for a favor, and stay with the slave until the Lantern Festival is over before returning home."

"Oh? Heh~" With a very light and light tone, Yin Zhen laughed back from anger.

"Zhun~ Master still has a lot of business to deal with, so I'm going back home first." Yinzhen was angry, the woman's heart was stabbed, he really couldn't figure out what Nianshi was thinking in his heart.

Feeling very depressed, he didn't want to stay here to show his face, so he turned around and left Nian's house.

In the main courtyard, Nian Yaoyue, Qiu's family, Nala's two mothers, and the elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law were sitting on the kang.

"These four beiles are really not a thing, what kind of shit sister, she was not born in the belly of a mother, she is more like a love sister! Men don't have a good thing!"

Nala recalled her scheming cousin when she was young, if she hadn't been strict with her, that cousin would have become an aunt.

Maybe he will push his nose on his face and replace her as his wife.

"Niangao, why don't we go home, we don't want to cheat on him, mother is rich, you can come back and live."

Qiu Shi clutched her handkerchief and sobbed sobbingly.

"Sister-in-law, please be gentle, it hurts like hell..."

Nian Yaoyue burst into tears in pain, grabbed the second sister-in-law's hand and cried out.

"Nian Gao, don't lose this iron needle. Another day, the second sister-in-law will find a chance to stick it on the Tong family's lowly maidservant!"

The second sister-in-law, Nalan, was born in a prestigious family when she first saw her, and she is extremely tired of the fights between women.

She naturally saw that the foxy son of the Tong family wanted to hook up with Sibei Le.

"Niangao, if you still want to live with Sibeile, you have to go back early and keep an eye on him. Men like gentle, gentle, and delicate girls. Who can pretend to be weak? You are just too strong. "Sister-in-law Lu said quietly with her three-inch golden lotus tilted up.

"Baby girl! Let's not spend time with him. Anyway, you are just his concubine Gege, and you have never held the ceremony of Na's marriage. You let him drive you out of Baylor Mansion. Let's go home. Dad will find you a The door-to-door son-in-law!"

Nian Xialing pushed the door open and entered, seeing the blood-stained gauze on her daughter's back, she blew her beard and stared angrily.

"Sister, let's go home, brother will take care of you!" Nian Gengyao followed into the house, went straight to the warm kang, hugged his sister and wept.

"Master, the eldest lady has brought my uncle back." The housekeeper said softly at the door.

"What is she doing here!" Thinking of this vicious and unfilial girl, her brows twitched in age.

"Father, didn't I come back alive and well? After all, she is your own daughter, brother Hu Fei and your granddaughter. They are innocent. Don't you have the heart to keep them out?"

Because of her death, the family severed ties with Nian Xiyue, and never had any contact with each other.

But Nian Yaoyue knew that father and mother would still miss this daughter, even though she was indeed nothing.

In the living room of the Nian family banquet, Hu Fei was sitting with her daughter in her arms, looking up at the door from time to time.

"Hehe, my husband, are you here to accompany my concubine back to her mother's house to visit my parents and elder brother, or are you just a drunkard?"

All these years she begged Hu Fei to accompany her to her mother's house, but he sneered.

Now that she knew that bitch Nian Yaoyue was still alive, she begged her to go back to her mother's house.

"It's good that you have this self-knowledge. No matter who I am, I won't be on you." Hu Fei didn't even bother to look at Nian Shi, the poisonous woman.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't bear to let his daughter lose his mother at a young age, Nian Shi would have died as early as the year when the rice cake accident happened.

(End of this chapter)

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