The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 134 Master 4 Please Seal the Side Fujin

Chapter 134 Fourth Master Please Seal the Side Fujin

All the concubines Gege in the mansion were sent away by Zhiqing on trumped-up charges.

Now Zhiqing is the only woman in Eighth Prince's backyard.

But the eighth elder brother who was under control never showed any depression at all, nor did he blame Zhiqing, on the contrary, he often joked with her and had a strong relationship.

Although Long Live God and Concubine Liang are not satisfied, Zhiqing's noble family status is there.

Moreover, Yaner, who was newly married and his first wife, didn't blame her too much.

But it's been almost two years, and Zhiqing's stomach still hasn't moved.

So Concubine Liang, who was waiting to hold her grandson, couldn't sit still, and called Zhiqing to the palace every three days to ridicule her.

Even so, Zhiqing still does her own thing, Eighth Prince is also a good man who loves his wife, and Zhiqing decides everything in the backyard.

She said one, but Brother Eight was reluctant to say two.

So the eighth elder brother had a reputation of being a fear of the inside out, and was ridiculed by all the brothers including the fourth master.

Nian Yaoyue envies Zhiqing from the bottom of her heart, if it is not for her deep love, how could Eighth Brother be really afraid of her guilt, it is not fear, it is love.

Guo Luo Luo Zhiqing, who had always been strong, looked at the little portraits with smiling faces, and when she thought of these women's relationship with her man in the future, and had children, her heart felt terribly sad.

With a forced smile, she silently turned those small portraits over and over again, finally she bit her lip and sobbed softly.

"Nian Gao, I don't want him to touch other women! But my stomach doesn't live up to it, I just can't get it up, and it's rumored that he's afraid of the inside, that he has a physical problem, so he can't give birth to a child, I can't ruin him "

Guo Luo and Luo Zhiqing hugged Nian Yaoyue and burst into tears.

I was so stupid when I was young, I always wanted to grow up, but now that I have grown up, I want to go back to the carefree youthful youth.

The little sisters have their own troubles, Nian Yaoyue comforted Zhiqing for a long time.

In the end, he helped her pick out five concubines, Ge Ge, who looked honest and responsible, and did not return to Baylor Mansion until dinner time.

"Where is your father resting tonight?"

Always being so cold-war and not making it clear will affect her relationship, so Nian Yaoyue decided to take the initiative to lower her stance and have a heart-to-heart chat with Fourth Master.

"Go back to Gege, my master is out of the house, and he said he won't come back tonight." Nanny Zhou lowered her head and replied.

At this point, the gates of the Forbidden City have long been locked. If he doesn't come back, where will he live?
Nian Yaoyue suppressed her doubts, thinking that the fourth master would come back sooner or later.Then talk to him again.

Begonia is not raining, pear blossoms snow first, half of the spring break.

Almost two months passed in the blink of an eye.Fourth master went out on business and only came back yesterday.

Nian Yaoyue had her own arrogance, she felt that Fourth Master didn't want to see him, and was deliberately avoiding her, so she simply broke the pot and didn't take the initiative to look for him.

On this day, Nian Yaoyue was chatting nonsense with the gossip Dong Ecunxin in Jiu Age's mansion.

"Have you heard? The prostitute of the Tong family is Tong Jinxian, who is pregnant without marriage!!"

"Brilliant, shocking, look at her usual aloof and innocent saintly appearance, she never thought that she would have sex with a wild man when she was not married, and she would be secretly married. Tsk tsk~"

The teacup in Nian Yaoyue's hand fell to the ground, and she stood up in panic.

She grabbed Dong E's hand and asked anxiously: "Do you know who that man is?"

"Nian Gao, what's the matter with you, it scares you, you should be happy~ That woman from the province always circles around your four beiles like a butterfly!"

Dong Ecunxin was so frightened that he quickly supported Nian Yaoyue's big belly, thinking that she must be overly happy.

"Who knows, no one knows, the Beijing circle is all fried, and everyone is waiting to see the Tong family's joke."

Nian Yaoyue felt guilty all of a sudden, it must be that after Tong Jinxian was taken away that day, those people from the rivers and lakes defiled her, that's why she became pregnant with the evil seed.
She just didn't want Tong Jinxian to pester fourth master to chatter, she never thought that it would cause such great harm to Tong Jinxian.

No wonder fourth master looked at her with such resentful eyes.

Worried about returning to Baylor Mansion, she saw Sifu Jin Yixian walking towards the yard where she lived.

"Nian Gao, I'm so happy!" Ulanara Yixian had a smile on her face, helping Nian Yaoyue to walk into the house.

"What happy event? Why didn't I know?" Nian Yaoyue looked at Yixian curiously.

"Yesterday, Lord Belle came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to invite you to seal the side Fujin. I thought we would have a double happiness after the child in your womb fell to the ground. I didn't expect that Lord Belle loved you so much, I couldn't wait."

Ulanara Yixian took the tray from the young eunuch behind her.

"The side Fujin are all canonized by the Ministry of Rites, and there is a crown uniform customized by Chaoyan. Look, I have prepared it for you by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can try it quickly to see if it suits you."

"No, it's against the rules. According to the rules set by Lord Shunzhi, the prince can seal two Fujins, and the prince can seal only Fujin, but the fourth master is only Baylor now." Nian Yaoyue always felt that something was wrong.

"Stupid rice cake, rules are dead, people are alive, as long as Long Live Lord nods."

Ulanara Yixian dragged Nian Yaoyue into the house, planning to personally change into Fujin's crown dress for her.

"Fujin, the order from the palace has come." Shi Shiran, the dowry nurse next to Yixian, came in to announce.

"Okay, okay, well done, let's change into Fujin's crown clothes now to meet the order~" Wulanara Yixian was about to help Nian Yaoyue change clothes, but was interrupted by the nanny.

"Fu Jin... you should go out and listen to the order first." The old woman looked extremely embarrassed, and looked at Fujin hesitantly.

"Nurse Chang, tell me what you have to say!" Nian Yaoyue saw that something was wrong with Nanny Chang, her eyes were always evasive and she didn't dare to look at her.

"Going back to the year, Gege, when the slave gave money to the eunuch, I took a sneak peek at the imperial decree, and it's not you..."

"New Year Cake!" Ulanara Yixian saw that the Nian Cake was on the verge of falling, so she hurriedly reached out to support her.

"Bah, our father is just a Baylor. The rules of the ancestors are there. Only the county king and prince can accept Fujin. If it doesn't work, Ben Fujin will go to the palace to find the Lord Long Live to judge! What does the fourth master put Ben Fujin's face on?" land!"

Ulanara was trembling in a graceful manner, and was about to walk out, but Nian Yaoyue pulled her sleeves.

"You double-standard dog, haha, didn't you just say that the rules are made by people? Are you slapping your face?"

Nian Yaoyue forced a smile to comfort Yi Xian who wanted to stand out for her.

The surname of the woman who is about to become a side Fujin is Tong, and Nian Yaoyue has already confirmed that it is Tong Jinxian.

The fourth master took the initiative to ask Lord Kangxi to marry him, which meant that he was very happy to let Tong Jinxian be his side Fujin.

"Nian Gao, are you okay!" Guo Luo, Luo Zhiqing and Dong E Cunxin rushed to get the news.

"Damn it, it turns out that wild man is your Lord Baylor. I really misjudged him. He's a beast in clothes, sanctimonious, a hypocrite, bah! Before he entered the house, he hurriedly made that bitch Tong Jinxian pregnant!"

Guo Luoluo Zhiqing angrily beat the potted plants at the door to pieces.

"Just let Li Gege or Niu Hulu Gege take the order for Ben Fujin, and just say that Ben Fujin has a nausea, and he vomited in Gong's room in the dark, so he can't accept the order to thank you!"

Ulanara Yixian gritted her teeth with hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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