The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 136 I'm Rich, You Chapter Come

Chapter 136 I'm Rich, Come Back

"Where did you hide her?" Yinzhen turned to stare at Nalashi and asked coldly.

"You can return the position of Nian Gao's side Fujin to her. Otherwise, this concubine, the concubine Fujin, is still qualified to dispose of a concubine, Gege. Even if the trouble comes to the Lord Long Live, the concubine will not be wronged."

Ulanara Yixian summoned up her courage and said.

"Su Peisheng, go to Changchun Garden and cut that dog slave into pieces!"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that yesterday the Crown Princess ordered someone to transfer Qi Yuan to Yuqing Palace as an errand. If you want to disturb the people in the Crown Prince's palace, you'd better ask the Crown Princess."

Dong Ecunxin said in pretended surprise.

The sisters were worried that Yixian would not be able to deal with the strong four beiles by herself, so they ate and lived with Yixian since yesterday.

"Hmph!" Yinzhen snorted coldly, he knew that the good sisters Nianshi and his sisters were fighting together, so it was impossible for him to find out her whereabouts.

It's not as fast as he went to find it himself.

Where has she gone besides Nian's house?


Tong Jinxian was smearing pearl powder in front of the mirror, and did not put down the small white jade bowl in her hand until her pretty face became pale and weak.

"Gege, she lives in the private manor in the suburbs of Beijing."

"Go and find a way to get the news to her ears, block the official road to and from the manor, and pretend it's a road collapse~"

Tong Jinxian caressed the blood-stained gauze on her wrist in pain, but she didn't expect the fourth brother to fall in love with that woman.

She tried her best, and in the end she cut her wrists and committed suicide to force her fourth brother to allow her to take the position of Fujin.

She could tolerate those women and children in Baylor's mansion, and even tolerate Fujin.

Because she knew that the fourth brother didn't like those women.

Only the Nian clan must be eradicated by all means.

Three days later.

In the private garden on the outskirts of Beijing, Nian Yaoyue supported her stomach and looked enviously at the eighth elder brother who came to pick Guo Luo Luo Zhiqing back home.

When I saw each other far away, I couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Zhiqing always leaned against him and smiled sweetly.

That smile hides a woman's trust and admiration for her husband, as well as her infinite expectations for the future.

But her side was empty, every time she needed her husband to stand by her side, he didn't show up.

She had to force herself to understand that the man who had promised to protect her for the rest of her life was gone.

In his heart, career, Tong Jinxian, ambition...all of them are more important than himself.

Watching Zhiqing and his wife leave, Nian Yaoyue went back to the house for breakfast with the support of her mother.

After a boring breakfast, she suddenly felt very tired, so she lay on the bed and couldn't sleep.

Suddenly I heard someone whispering outside.

"Have you heard? Sibei Le was furious and arrested his former companion Nian Gengyao. He didn't know what capital crime he committed. He said that he was going to kill Nian Gengyao at Caishikou this afternoon!"

"Ah! Miss Nian, where are you going?"

The two eunuchs guarding the door who were gossiping saw Nian rushing out of the room, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

One of the little eunuchs lowered the brim of his hat, with a sinister titter on his face.
At Caishikou, Yinzhen looked at Nian Gengyao, whose nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and was so angry that he wished to cut him into pieces.

Unexpectedly, Nian Gengyao turned out to be the mastermind behind hurting Jinxian. It's all because of this idiot, and he is now in trouble.

It hurt Jinxian's sister for the rest of her life, and even worse, Nian Gao ran away from home.

"Lord Baylor, it's already noon." Su Peisheng said while looking at the sundial beside Xingtai.

"Cut!" Not killing Nian Gengyao was not enough to vent his anger.If Nian Gengyao hadn't been from Nian's family, he would have killed his nine clans.

"Wait a minute!!" At this moment, Nian Yaoyue, who was in a muddy mess, came galloping on horseback.

Yinzhen was so startled that she flew towards Nianshi, she was still pregnant with her child, so she dared to gallop the horse regardless of safety.

"Lord Baylor, this slave is willing to bear any crimes for his elder brother, please let this slave's elder brother live."

Nian Yaoyue got off the horse, calmly pushed away Fourth Master's hand supporting her, and was about to kneel on the ground to beg for mercy.

Yinzhen squeezed Nianshi's arm to prevent her from kneeling down.

Angry in her heart, why doesn't she know how to take good care of herself!

At this time, her face was blue, and her lips were pale and bloodless.

"Whoever allowed you to run away from home, it's because the master is too arrogant and indulged you, making you lawless!"

Yinzhen pinched the back of Nianshi's hand and said in a reproachful way.

"What crime did my second brother commit? The slave is willing to bear any crimes for my second brother, and I beg Lord Baylor to do it."

Nian Yaoyue didn't look into Fourth Master's eyes, but repeated in a cold tone.

"Nian Gengyao must die! His crime is unforgivable! Kill him without pardon! It's useless for anyone to intercede!"

But Nian shook off his hand, rushed straight to the execution platform, knelt down, and put his head on the stake.

"Come on, I will live and die with my second brother today! No matter what my second brother did, it was ordered by my Nian Yaoyue, and my Nian Yaoyue is willing to obey the law!"

Nian Yaoyue only felt pain in her abdomen, she gritted her teeth and pleaded with fourth master with tears in her eyes.

"Sister, get down quickly, don't mess around, it's because of the second brother's fault, it made you suffer." Nian Yaling, who was tied up by five flowers, choked weakly.

"Nian Gao, come down quickly, don't scare your mother!"

After hearing the news, Qiu and Nian's family rushed over and exclaimed in unison.

"Lord Baylor, this slave is willing to retire from officialdom, and begs Lord Baylor to let the dog live!"

The gray-haired Nian Xialing knelt at Sibeile's feet.

"Ah, Nian Gao, mother, look at Nian Gao, she has lost a lot of blood!"

Sister-in-law Lu looked at the lotus-colored skirt of Nian Gao's younger sister, which was stained red by the gurgling blood.

"I want to go home, to the home of...Rouge Hutong"

The world was spinning in front of her eyes, and she saw fourth master's panicked face gradually blurring in her vision.

Outside the door, the young man beat Nian Gengyao who was kneeling on the ground and weeping hard with a whip.

At this time, everyone felt uneasy, because apart from the occasional voice of the midwife, the room was eerily quiet.

"Nian Gao's stomach is only six months old, and I can't keep it." Na Lashi cried bitterly while leaning on the chair. How sad it would be for Nian Gao to lose a child.

"Wuuuuuu, rice cake, mother is rich, let's go home, we won't be bullied in that place where people cannibalize, we don't want him, mother just wants you to live well."

Qiushi cried and sobbed softly towards the door.

In the delivery room, after the fetus was scanned systematically, a death verdict was issued. The baby was only six months old, and his heart and lung function had not yet developed well, and the fetal membranes were ruptured.

No matter how hard Nian Yaoyue begged, the system was powerless, and finally lost contact completely.

She didn't know how the baby was born, and she didn't even feel the pain, because she was completely hopeless and disheartened.

"Ah, sorry for you, you are still young and will have children"

Experienced midwives know that the child is not alive the moment they see the lifeless child.

(End of this chapter)

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