Chapter 143 Why Are You Infertile?
"Let's all go down~" Yinzhen said in a deep voice.

At this moment, looking at the mother and son lying on the bed, Yin Zhen sighed softly.

"Su Peisheng!!" How many things does this dog slave keep from him.

"The servant deserves to die, please calm down..."

Su Peisheng tremblingly told Fourth Master that Nianshi had been hit by an iron needle when he blocked the knife for Fourth Master, and specifically pointed out that Nianshi threatened him not to report it.

"Get out, if you hide anything from now on, you'll die!" Yinzhen raised his foot and lightly kicked the servant.

At this time, there was only a family of three left in the room.

Yinzhen reached out and caressed Nian's pale cheeks, she was always different from those women, even if she cried in pain, she would not make a sound, just hid silently in the corner and wept alone.

She is too strong, as if she is omnipotent, but she always scars herself.

"Su Peisheng, arrange our people to Tong's house earlier~"

Su Peisheng outside the door responded, and his heart was already filled with turmoil.

In the past, the master remembered the kindness of empress Xiaoyi's upbringing and never got involved with the Tong family, but now for the sake of the Nian family, the master finally decided to wedge his secret minions into the Tong family.

Many years later, not long after the iron-blooded emperor Yongzheng ascended the throne, the power minister Longkodo turned against his father and son because he indulged his concubine Li Si'er, who was taken from his father-in-law by force, and made his original wife into a pig.

And the concubine named Li Si'er even colluded with Baye, and in the end Longkodo was charged with 43 felonies and had his home confiscated until death.

However, when Long Kedo's crimes were drawn up, the name of Li Si'er was deliberately concealed, and no one even knew where he went.

It is widely rumored among the people that Li Si'er is the undercover agent of Lord Yongzheng, and he is doing infernal affairs.
When Nian Yaoyue opened her eyes, she found herself nestled in a familiar embrace, and the man beside her was holding a book that she could never finish reading. Seeing that she woke up, he smiled at her.

She broke free from fourth master's embrace without making a sound, and turned to look at Hui'er who was sleeping on the inside.

After the system scan, Nian Yaoyue was overjoyed.

The miraculous Tai Sui, which cannot be explained by science, actually has the miraculous effect of detoxification.

The toxin accumulated in Xiaohui'er's internal organs is gradually declining.

Leaning over and kissing her son's forehead, Nian Yaoyue got up to go out to prepare breakfast for Hui'er.

Lifting the curtain, I saw Su Peisheng looking at her with a smile. On the round table, there were all kinds of breakfast, including buns, steamed buns, porridge and pastries.

Fourth Master has already woken up, and is washing and changing clothes under the service of Su Peisheng.

After Nian Yaoyue went to the side hall to freshen up, she turned back again and saw the father and son sitting at the table, and the fourth master was holding a bowl of porridge and patiently feeding it to Xiao Hui'er.

At noon, Yi Xian took the time to visit Xiao Hui'er.

Nian Yaoyue saw with sharp eyes that Yi Xian was hiding in her sleeve with white gauze wrapped around her wrist.

"What's going on, why is the confinement servant still hurt!"

Nian Yaoyue looked at the blood-stained gauze on Yixian's wrist worriedly and blamed.

"That slut who is heaven and earth, sometimes said that the soup was too hot, and sometimes said it was too cold. Last night, she brought hot wormwood to wipe her body, but she kicked her over, and I pressed my wrist. It’s on the small red clay stove, it’s all right.”

Yixian dragged Nian Yaoyue to the pepper tree in the courtyard and whispered.

"Don't worry, this bitch will have to pay the price. If I don't serve her, she won't be called Ulanara Yixian if she is infertile!"

The viciousness in Yixian's eyes flashed away, they, the first daughters of aristocratic families, were born to participate in those shady battles.

Fight, fight, she can do those dirty things, that's all she has done in her life, just fight to be lonely.

"Yixian, don't do stupid things, if the fourth master finds out that you hurt his sweetheart, he will never forgive you."

Although Nian Yaoyue doesn't like Tong Jinxian, she is the sweetheart of Fourth Master, and she doesn't want Fourth Master to think that she is a woman who can't be picked up or let go.

"Nian Gao, that woman is not as simple as you think, you just have to remember that kindness without sharpness is cowardly, either she will die or we will die!"

Wulanara Yixian felt that there was no need to talk so many dirty things to Nian Gao, and after a few words of comfort, she went back to take care of that bitch Tong Jinxian.

Sweetheart?hehe!Tong Jinxian is considered a feather, as long as she protects the rice cake, Fourth Master will always be her most like-minded and solid ally.

Nian Yaoyue, who was having dinner, looked at the red wall near Fujin main courtyard, and suddenly there were dozens of masons building the wall.

In less than two hours, the red wall that was originally at most three meters high was raised to at least ten meters, and she could no longer even see the roof of the three-story building in Fujin Main Courtyard.

Not only that, but there was also a strange clanging sound from outside the wall.

Nian Yaoyue went out curiously to have a look, cough cough cough.
Originally, the fourth master's courtyard and Fujin's main courtyard were only separated by a wall, but now, there is actually a wide lane that allows two carriages to run side by side.

Tomorrow Tong Jinxian will be mad when she sees it
At night, looking at the father and son lying on the bed waiting for her to fall asleep, Nian Yaoyue walked slowly from the end of the bed to the middle.

Today, the quilt was replaced with slippery soft silk cloth. When her knee slipped, she threw herself into Fourth Master's arms.

Colliding with the clear breath of fourth master, she struggled to get up, and saw the man looking at her with burning eyes.

Ignore it.

She turned her back to fourth master and fell asleep holding Hui'er.

Behind him, Yinzhen pursed his lips, staring at the figure far away from him as if lost.

Tong Jinxian was so angry that she went crazy, she didn't expect to happily come to Fujin main courtyard, only to find that the courtyard has changed.

Looking at the exaggerated red wall that was so high that it almost reached the sky, and the narrow lane between the red walls that was wide enough to run a horse, her face turned black.

Ulanara Yixian suppressed a smile, the grievances she suffered these days are no longer worth mentioning.

For a whole month, Nian Yaoyue regarded Fourth Master as a transparent tool, with only Xiao Hui'er in her eyes.

This man can still bear it. In the past, he would have already started to slam his face with a cold face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm back, rice cake~" Ulanara Yixian held the rice cake haggardly.

She was about to cry, she had suffered more in this month than she had in her entire life, and she had lost a full 25 catties.

Now walking is like a weak willow supporting the wind, and a gust of wind might blow her away.

Yixian's return means that Nian Yaoyue will be working as Tong Jinxian's slave for three months.

At this time, in Qingfeng Xiaozhu where Fujin lived, Tong Jinxian was smashing things.

Everything in the house was smashed to pieces by the angry and irrational she.

How could this happen? Didn't that bastard Persian medicinal material dealer say that the medicine will not harm the body, that after taking it, it can have the effect of false pregnancy, and taking the abortion pill can produce the illusion of a miscarriage?

Why was she judged by all the imperial physicians as difficult to conceive! !What the hell is going on, she is still a virgin, but can't conceive, it's a joke!

"Slave Nian Yaoyue, I am here to serve on Fujin, please greet Fujin~"

At this moment, Nian Yaoyue's disgusting voice came from outside the door.

Tong Jinxian was worried that she had no place to vent her anger, and when she saw Nian Shi hunched over, she picked up the tea lid at hand and threw it on Nian Shi's forehead without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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