The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 146 He Has No Resistance Against Nian Shi

Chapter 146 He Has No Resistance Against Nian Shi

At this time, her face was instantly replaced with a warm smile like a spring breeze, beautiful and graceful, not stained with the world of mortals.

After all the food was served, Nian Yaoyue quietly served Fourth Master and Tong Jinxian for dinner.

I really want to hide outside, out of sight.

"Try the dishes!" Tong Jinxian ordered Nianshi softly with a gentle smile in her eyes.

Nian Yaoyue looked at her in astonishment, Tong Jinxian must be out of her mind!

If these meals can be brought to the table, it means that at least three dishes have been tested for poison. Why do you want her to try the dishes?
Taking a deep breath, a smile emerged from the corner of his mouth: "Your servant obeys~"

She took chopsticks and plates and tasted the sixteen dishes on the table one by one.

Wow, thanks to the fourth master, I didn't expect that today's dish tasting would be the most sumptuous meal she has had since serving in Tong Jinxian's courtyard.

With a mentality of retaliation, she took more and more bites of food, eating with relish.

When she had tasted all sixteen delicacies, she couldn't control herself and burped loudly.

"Presumptuous!" The nanny standing behind Tong Jinxian hurriedly dragged Nian Yaoyue away, but Tong Jinxian stopped her with her eyes.

"Master, the ham and fresh bamboo shoot soup you cooked yourself at noon is just right for you~"

Yilan came in with a food box and put a pot of delicious soup on the table.

By the way, I brought a jug of wine.

When Nian Yaoyue poured the wine into the amber glass, she was stunned, what is this?
Bright red, wine?But seeing that the texture didn't look like it, she looked at Tong Jinxian hesitantly, and finally picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

Pfft. It turned out to be blood wine!She covered her mouth with the back of her hand, swallowing a mouth full of fishy smell.

"Cian Fujin, it's just autumn. Drinking deer blood wine is a bit dry. I have a cold and cough recently. I'm afraid I can't drink alcohol, let alone deer blood wine."

Su Peisheng was stunned, this deer blood wine is a sexual aid, he didn't expect that Fang Fujin's thoughts were so straightforward, and he almost gave him those unscrupulous drugs...
It turned out to be an aphrodisiac! !Nian Yaoyue wished she could rush out to rinse her mouth immediately, although she could not swallow half a cup, but at this moment her stomach felt as if it was burning.

No, it's just that the deer blood wine doesn't have such an exaggerated effect, there must be other things added to the wine.

Suppressing the throbbing in her heart, she found that the fourth master beside her was getting more and more pleasing to the eye. Why did this man's slender hands just quietly rest on the table, so seductive.

I really want these warm hands to hug her tightly..
When it was over, the indescribable full-screen mosaic images of being with fourth master began to appear in her mind.

Inadvertently, his cheeks were flushed, and Yinzhen also found that something was wrong with Nianshi.

"Everyone go down, Su Peisheng can serve you~" Yinzhen's tone became colder and colder.

Tong Jinxian suppressed her joy in her heart, the pot of deer blood wine was just a cover, the real good thing had something else.

"Fourth brother, why don't you try this soup? The crescent moon has boiled for a long time!"

Tong Jinxian almost sat in the arms of her fourth brother, her voice was sweet and coquettish.

"Master Belle, this servant suddenly remembered that in the evening, Yuqing Palace sent an urgent document, asking you to read it today, and prepare a reply tomorrow for His Royal Highness to refer to~"

At this moment, Su Peisheng spoke quietly.

Tong Jinxian wished she could tear up that bastard Su Peisheng, she had no discernment.

"Oh~" Yinzhen got up, left straight away, and then stopped when he reached the door.

"Cian Fujin, would you like to go to the courtyard to eat and wait for him~" Yinzhen no longer bothered to call sister Jinxian, and only called side Fujin distantly.

"Ah? Really? I would like to, it's too late for Yue Ya'er to be happy!" Tong Jinxian almost cried with joy.

You must know that the fourth brother's yard never allows any woman in the backyard to stay overnight, even the Di Fujin Nala family has never been allowed to stay in his yard by the fourth brother.

With this honor, Tong Jinxian was overjoyed, she knew that the fourth brother still cherished her in his heart.

When Xu Zhen returned to the courtyard, he went straight to the study, and rushed anxiously from the secret passage in the study to the side hall where Nianshi was.

At this time, Nian Yaoyue's whole body was on fire, and her mind was full of Fourth Master.

"Yinzhen..." whispered inadvertently, the voice was full of extreme charm and desire.

She was stunned by the sound, so she gritted her teeth, turned around and climbed into the wooden barrel beside her, which contained the bath water she hadn't had time to pour out.

In early autumn, the night was slightly cool, and the water in the bucket had already been completely cooled. At this time, she was immersed in the cold water, but she still felt like she was burning.

The hot and cold shocks made her consciousness gradually slacken, and she didn't even notice any strange movements in the room.

When Yinzhen walked out of the yellow wooden wardrobe, he saw that Nianshi was gradually sinking into the water.

"Nian Gao~" He stretched out his hand to support Nian's shoulder, but found that the water in the bucket was freezing to the bone.

"Yinzhen." Dazedly seeing Fourth Master's handsome face in front of her eyes, Nian Yaoyue smiled foolishly, and stretched out her hand to tug on Fourth Master's shirt.

"You..." Yinzhen knew that the deer blood wine was domineering, but he didn't expect Nian Shi to have such a charming gesture after drinking the wine.

"Did you miss me? Brother Yinzhen, hehehe~"

"Do you want me? Umm... ah..."

Nian Yaoyue's hands wandered all over Si Ye's body, making Yinzhen who had no resistance to Nian Shi extremely tormented.

"Damn it" he suppressed the beauty in his heart, but Nian Shi had already stood up from the water, and her clothes had disappeared at some point.

"Nian Gao." Nian's whole body suddenly hung on his body, and his tentacles were full of fragrance and jade.

He felt that he was very aggrieved, why he was living like an ascetic even though he had a woman.

Annoyed in his heart, what are he afraid of, this woman in front of him belongs to his Aixinjueluo Yinzhen, he doesn't want to bear it anymore
(About 9999 characters are omitted here)
Nian Yaoyue felt that she was being pressed by a big rock and couldn't breathe.

Holding her forehead and opening her eyes, she saw the smelly man lying on top of her.

"Ah..." Fourth master covered her mouth.

"It was you who took the initiative to provoke the master, and you still want to speak louder to alarm everyone?" Yinzhen whispered softly next to Nian's ear.

"Woooooo, Lifang Kaiwo." She stretched out her hand and beat the stinky man's back desperately, how could he treat her like this.

He obviously could have many ways to wake her up, but he chose the most bloody routine.

He did it on purpose!

The moment the smelly man got up, Nian Yaoyue gritted her teeth and kicked fourth master off the bed.

"You!!" Yinzhen, who was kicked off the bed naked, sat on the ground in embarrassment, leaning on his waist and staring at Nianshi.

"Nian Yaoyue, why are you howling in the morning? What time is it? It's time to go to Lord Baylor's courtyard to serve Fujin and Lord Baylor. Wake up soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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