The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 166 Master 4 and the child are both devils

Chapter 166 Fourth Master and the Child Are Devils

"My lord, the little boxwood bows and arrows that my brothers are hunting are ready~"

At this moment, Su Peisheng came in with a tray with a smile on his face.

Inside the tray were two miniature boxwood bows and two quiver barrels.

Nian Yaoyue glanced at it casually, and suddenly found that the arrow was glowing with a cold light. She poked the arrow with her fingertip, and her delicate fingertip was instantly pierced.

She clutched her fingers in pain.

"Why is this arrow still open? Didn't they all use silver-like wax spear heads in the past? The child is still so young, and the sword has no eyes. What should I do if I hurt an innocent?"

Nian Yaoyue made a gesture to put away the two little feather arrows.

"The benevolence of a woman, I ruled the world right away in the Qing Dynasty. At the age of five, I can kill two birds with one arrow. They are my sons, how can they be inferior! A loving mother often loses her children!"

Yinzhen said casually while checking those bows and arrows.

He has always been strict with the education of his two sons. Although Nianshi is the child's mother-in-law, Yinzhen hardly allows Nianshi to intervene in the education of his sons.

"It won't hurt, you can rest assured, since you are worried, I will take you to have a look." Seeing Nian's sullenness, Yinzhen's tone was a little gentle.

Followed the fourth master to a forest, and looked around, there were guards at three steps, one post at five steps, and one post at five steps.

Nian Yaoyue pursed her lips. With so many people, even rabbits are too frightened to come out, so what kind of prey are they hunting?

At this time, the prince, the third elder brother and the fifth elder brother and several older princes brought their younger brothers to come.

Nian Yaoyue held Hui'er and Sheng'er who were wearing light arrow sleeves by the hand, still a little worried.

Watching the fourth master take the two elder brothers away, Nian Yaoyue sat down in a corner with a wide view.

At this moment, several carriages covered with black cloth were suddenly led by the eunuch to the forest.

"Su Peisheng, is the prepared prey in the carriage?"

Where the royal family hunted might really hunt those dangerous ferocious beasts, they were all prepared by humans.

Before hunting, Shangsiyuan will put deer, hares, roe deer, roe deer, guinea fowl, white foxes with their teeth pulled out and other slightly tame animals into the hunting ground in advance.

Occasionally there are bears or tigers, but those beasts are surrounded by special animal trainers watching in case of accidents.

At this time, a gust of wind blew past, and lifted a corner of the black curtain covering the carriage.

Nian Yaoyue took a closer look, but saw that there were several big iron cages on the carriage, and there were many half-grown children in the cages.

"What are those!!"

She stood up abruptly, looking at the children who were not much older than her sons in surprise.

"Back to the Lord, those are the prey of the little brothers~" Su Peisheng's tone was as usual.

"When I was young, I played with the princes like the prince, so don't be afraid~"

Su Peisheng saw the shocked expression on Nian's face, so he hurriedly comforted him.

At this time, the roar of the hound came from the ear, and Nian Yaoyue watched the two sons, Baifu and Haohua, who were leading the fourth master's beloved hound, and galloped towards the forest under the leadership of the fourth master.

It didn't take long for Linnei to hear howling and ferocious dog barking.

Nian Yaoyue felt that the blood all over her body was frozen into ice due to fear.

Although she knew that there was a difference between superiority and inferiority, and that in the Qing Dynasty, it was impossible for princes to commit the same crimes as ordinary people when they broke the law, the scene in front of her still made it hard for her to accept it.

The words that Su Peisheng said echoed in his mind: That is the prey of the little brothers, and the fourth master came here in this way when he was a child.
But those are fresh lives, why is the child of a sin slave guilty?Those killing knives are taller than their heads!
What crime did they commit again?Is birth the original sin?

Clenching her fists tightly, she watched her sons and the rest of the princes all have silence and sternness on their faces, and they were still jumping with joy after shooting a criminal slave.

Including the fourth master and the prince, their faces were filled with pride and relief.

The eyes are full of children lying in a pool of blood, dying with regret.

They don't have names, and they only have red or blue numbers on their bodies. One, two, three, four, five, the child who fell not far in front of her at this time, has the number 72 on his body.
"Ugh" she leaned on the tree trunk and began to retch with nausea. She is not the Virgin, but facing so many small innocent lives passing in front of her, she felt that people holding bows and arrows were all devils.
"I'll go back first~" She clutched her heart and fled in a panic.

Her status is humble, she cannot protect herself, and it is impossible to save anyone. Even if she saves the things in front of her, what will happen in the future?
These acts of shooting innocent slaves will never end, they are just a game for the nobles.

Going back to the room in a daze to calm down, until the evening, the fourth master came back with his two little elder brothers.

"Er Niang, my son has hunted fat rabbits for you. Look, these rabbits have bright fur, they are just right to make a jacket for Er Niang."

Xiao Honghui excitedly raised the two rabbits whose heads had been shot off by an arrow.

"Er Niang, Ah Ma hunted a sika deer and a black fox!" Xiao Hongsheng pointed to the hill-like prey behind him arrogantly.

Nian Yaoyue rubbed the center of her brows, looking at the bloody animals, her vision blurred, as if seeing those animals turned into sinful slaves.

There are fourth master and two sons, and they also have bloodstains on their bodies. Are those bloodstains from prey or people?
Thinking carefully, Nian Yaoyue's face turned pale.

"Su Peisheng, take the elder brothers down to take a bath and change clothes."

Yinzhen saw that Nian's expression was not right, so he hurriedly asked Su Peisheng to take the children away.

"Uncomfortable?" He reached out to stroke Nian's forehead, but seeing that Nian's eyes were downcast, he turned his head away.

"Grandpa, I'm a little tired and want to rest"

As Nian Yaoyue said, she got up, took off her outer robe, lay down on the bed, and covered her head with the quilt.

Yinzhen was stunned, so he came to the bath in silence and began to groom himself.

After changing into casual clothes, he lifted the quilt and saw Nian lying on his side with his back facing him.

"Who upset you? Tell Grandpa."

Bowing his head close to Nianshi, Yinzhen whispered softly in her ear.

"Tomorrow morning, I would like to invite Master and Hui'er Sheng'er to go hunting together, okay?"

Nian Yaoyue turned around and slipped into fourth master's arms.

Although Fourth Master had already bathed and changed clothes, she still seemed to be able to smell the bloody smell that was so thick that it couldn't be dispelled.

With a splitting headache, facing Fourth Master's gentle offensive, Nian Yaoyue hugged his neck and bit his ear: "I'm tired, master, calm down tonight."

"Yeah" Yinzhen stopped his hands, hugged Nian tightly, and slept under the quilt.
Early the next morning, when Yinzhen woke up, there was no trace of Nian Shi beside his pillow.

Zhou Shi, Nian's personal nurse, came to invite the father and son to the dense forest where they were hunting yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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